
The Safe America Act can also be the test for all conservative candidates for public office in 2024. Let’s hope McCarthy and the House of Representatives are willing to act, and not just talk.

Making America Safe Again, a blueprint for House legislation and a platform for conservative candidates in 2024

American is going in the wrong direction on multiple fronts – rapidly. We all know it without the need to review recent polls. Our economy, military, food supply, infrastructure, schools, and inner cities are all crumbling before our eyes and our federal leadership is ignoring and/or facilitating the decline.

Talk is cheap, action is priceless.

We need to take immediate action to begin to turn the ship of state around and restore the strength and safety of our country.

Safe Military Act

The House of Representatives should introduce new legislation called the “Safe America Act” to begin to address the multiple failures of the current administration and then dare Democrats to oppose it.

The Act would be broken into multiple parts and hearings on the legislation would be held by the appropriate House committees…

We must refocus our military on defense, not wokeness, and expose ineffectiveness and incompetence in the upper echelons of the Pentagon.

The Act would identify foreign threats, investigate China and their activities, and find and root out foreign agents. We should give compromised persons in government positions an option to turn themselves in and turn state’s evidence to avoid prosecution. We can give blackmailed or threatened legislators, judges and prosecutors a safe way to receive protection in exchange for testimony.

We should identify military (and civil) pilots who have been damaged by the vaxes and begin a crash program to train up new ones and rehire anyone fired for refusing the shots.

Safe infrastructure Act

We’ve all seen a massive increase in damage to our food manufacturing facilities, supply chains, pipelines and electrical grid due either to shoddy/corrupt management, or deliberate sabotage. We need to identify critical infrastructure elements that are under attack and reallocate monies previously marked as “infrastructure improvements” that were really “green” payoffs. We need to investigate and prosecute sabotage and increase the penalties for such.We should review the recently-passed Chips Act and ensure it is actually dealing with computer chip issues effectively.

Safe Skies Act

Biden’s balloons scandal is both scary and comical at the same time. It exposes vulnerabilities in our aerial defenses and his administration’s inept response. High altitude balloons are the perfect delivery method for nuclear weapons including those that deliver electro-magnetic pulses (EMPs.) A single EMP over the center of the country could destroy much of our electrical grid and plunge the United States into darkness and chaos, leaving us vulnerable to foreign attack.

There is a fascinating article that looks at China’s ability to think in terms of long-term strategy and suggests that China wants to goad Biden into shooting down everything that floats over our border. In a few weeks they could fly an “innocent” meteorological balloon manned by several civilian scientists and wait for the worldwide public relations disaster of a shoot down.

If so, this may be a trap that could give China justification for invading Taiwan.

The solution would be for the House to adopt the Safe Skies Act that would put other countries on notice that because of the danger from EMPs and nuclear weapons floating into the US by hostile foreign governments or terrorists (North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, etc.) anything flying into the US will be intercepted and shot down. We could demand that any legitimate weather balloons be equipped with failsafe measures to lower them to ground if they were to “accidentally” float into U.S. airspace.

Safe Cities Act

Personal safety is the most important civil rights issue. Americans, especially those in inner cities, have a right to be able to live without fear of bodily harm and rampant crime. They have a right to own businesses that aren’t subject to unrestrained looting and shoplifting.

The DOJ and the FBI need to be retasked (or completely rebuilt) to find criminals and protect Americans, not harass honest citizens.

The Act would encourage the restoration of effective policing and seek to identify and demand replacement of district attorneys who refuse to prosecute and detain criminals. It would also track down border crossers who may be drug dealers and gang members. Gun laws that weaken citizen’s rights to self-defense would also be targeted.

Safe Borders Act

We need to seal our borders against foreign infiltrators and track down border crossers who may be foreign agents, drug traffickers, sexual predators, carriers of serious diseases, or gang members. If the Democrats want immigration reform, offer them a path to American citizenship for all illegal aliens in this country who apply through proper channels. They will be screened, fingerprinted and given temporary green cards and government IDs to work in the U.S. After 30 days, anyone who hasn’t applied will be deported. We can retask Biden’s 87,000 IRS agents to begin the screenings.

Safe Health Act

We need to immediately stop all COVID injections until they are proven safe and effective. We should identify and prosecute corruption in the creation and dissemination of the vaxes and investigate the causes of sudden deaths. We should develop a crash program to help people with vax injuries, funded by Big Pharma.

We also need to investigate whether our blood supply has been tainted by vaxed donors.

Finally, we need to review all other injectable drugs to make sure their ingredients don’t include harmful substances.

Safe Energy Act

We need to immediately restart drilling for American oil and gas to replenish the petroleum reserve and start shipping fuels to our allies in Europe. We also need to roll back laws that mandate electric vehicles until we know their batteries are safe from uncontrollable fires, the battery materials are acquired in an environmentally responsible way, and we have the energy supplies and infrastructure to power EVs.

Safe Elections Act

Free and honest elections are our most important right as citizens. We need to develop a list of best practices for fighting election fraud, clean up voter rolls, and make election fraud a federal crime. We should eliminate all voting machines in favor of paper ballots with proper two-party, and neutral party, counting oversight, demand voter ID and end mail in ballots or drop boxes. Absentee ballots will need to follow the same rules as in-person voting.

Safe Children Act

We must ensure that medical decisions for children are made by parents, including vaccines and gender changes. How did we go from prosecuting parents and suspending students for taking an allergy pill without school approval to encouraging students to get transgender drugs and surgery without parental involvement?

Other civil rights issues are developing guidelines for student safety, setting proper standards for curricula and letting parents choose their children’s schools.

As the problems our country faces become more severe, Democrats are being pressured to step up and support corrective action. Every segment of the Safe America Act can be brought to a vote where Democrats must choose between their political party or the desperate needs of their constituents. Some of the Acts will be passed, forcing Biden to either go along with, or veto the legislation.

The Safe America Act can also be the test for all conservative candidates for public office in 2024. Let’s hope McCarthy and the House of Representatives are willing to act, and not just talk.

Jack Gleason -- Bio and Archives

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at jackgleason9@protonmail.com Recent articles… Canada Free Press and American Thinker