
Fear-mongering and the melting of the Arctic Ice Cap

Main Stream Theories about Man-Made Warming: Not Working

When it comes to climate, it is appropriate to note that the United Nations’ IPCC has had a mandate to review only one thing. And as the CO2 Only “models” are overheating compared to now thirty years of temperature reality, the theories are not working.

Out of the myriad of influences upon weather and climate, IPCC is charged to study only Anthropogenic Global Warming which for drama segued into the formidable CAGW. Of course, the latter is Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming and then some genius at promotion came up with “Climate Change” whereby anything can be used to increase taxes and regulations. And the “cause” of any adverse weather is modern industrial society spewing out vast amounts of carbon dioxide.

The main greenhouse gas has been water vapor and it overwhelms the miniscule influence of man-emitted carbon dioxide

The real physics of this is that atmospheric CO2 does not cause heating or even materially hold heat. The concept of the equivalent of a glass roof up there keeping heat in has been naïve. With an uncritical media and so many on the gravy train, naivety has prevailed.

The main greenhouse gas has been water vapor and it overwhelms the miniscule influence of man-emitted carbon dioxide.

During the unrelenting climate cooling of the 1500s, famine prevailed. With the die-off thousands of witches were executed. Tried and convicted by learned magistrates the process was legal against the known fact that witches could and did conjure bad weather. Today’s blame game in including beyond witches, all women, all men as well as all infants, is much more democratic.

Following the wonderful warmth and prosperity of the Medieval Optimum that ended in the early 1300s, the climate naturally changed to cooling. Bad enough to ruin many harvests and with the grass of the pastures lacking in normal nutrition many domestic animals died as well.

Very bad weather, indeed, as it was part of what became known as the Little Ice Age. Well, until the promoter Dr. Michael Mann contrived his temperature graph over the last one thousand years. The so-called “Hockey Stick” showed a flat trend, with a sharp rise since the mid-1800s. Due to the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, which certain intellectual classes still hate, although enjoying the comforts provided by today’s fabulous prosperity.

Mann, personally, eliminated not just the Medieval Optimum but also the Little Ice Age. In so many words, and still for personal reasons, he “disappeared” two geologically important climate events. Extraordinary audacity, as the geological record is indelible. Why a PhD in physics would become so corrupt would require another essay.

The following chart records the strongly rising trend (red line) based upon climate “models”, meaning if you put warming in you get warming out. The lower blue line is the satellite record and it is worth adding that the latest posts are flattening the trend. And in rounded numbers since 2016, the anomaly has dropped from +0.75 C to close to 0.00 C. The 0.75 C plunge compares to the hype about a 1.5 C projected increase. Ironically and quite simply, the “model” charts look like the chart of atmospheric CO2.

And here is one showing the “correlation” between CO2 and Temp.

Another fear-mongering item has been that summers would be warm enough to melt the Arctic Sea Ice Cover. To get this through to the heartstrings, visions of drowning polar bears were pitched, by those unaware that their scientific name is “Ursus maritimus”. This bear evolved beginning some 150,000 years ago to thrive during a few interglacials with a typically open sea going into each September.

The next chart shows that the long trend of diminishing ice cover could be reversing:

And then there are the grave concerns about excessive CO2. Any un-politicized geologist would tell you that it is unusually low:

The following covers the last million years and is widely accepted.

This one provides perspective through our interglacial. Note how warm the Minoan and Roman “Optimums” were. Decades ago, the wonderful warming trends were described as “Optimums”, which reinforces that warming trends have been good for all life forms.

Quick – list the critters that thrive on Antarctica’s “land” mass.

Lastly, there is the promotional side:

This is representative of the concerns about another Ice Age that was touted into the early 1970s.

At the February WEF forum in Davos, Al Gore declared that the oceans would “boil”. The following gets the emotions going:

Bob Hoye -- Bio and Archives

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.