
The deep dark cavern of slavery to the government

Losing Liberty

I am very concerned that the Socialistic leaning Liberals within our Federal Government are leading us down the path to the complete loss of all Individual Liberty in the United States of America. I literally cry real tears in my observance of the death of our Constitution and the Liberty it provides. I sit alone in the quiet of my study, as I am now, and do my utmost to understand why, why are the American people seemingly so willing to just watch, and in many cases, actually embrace the death of their own Individual Liberty, their God given right to make their own decisions and be responsible for themselves.
The greatest possession a human being has is Liberty, the freedom to think and act and be responsible for ourselves without the oppression and regulations of an all powerful, unlimited government. For two hundred years we in America have been blessed with our God given Liberty. It has now become our most abused, neglected and ignored possession. The men who founded our nation, did so upon the belief that the government's primary purpose was to protect and defend Individual Liberty. The actual founding was the establishment of a Federal government, limited in it's power, ruled by a Constitution and Bill of Rights. Benjamin Franklin realized and understood that the only thing which could preserve it, or lose it, was the people themselves. That understanding was evident in his reply to a reporter when asked upon his emergence from the Constitutional Convention Hall, "What have you done in there?" His reply was, "We have given you a Republic, if YOU can keep it." I would ask you to now stop reading and sit back in your chair, close your eyes for a moment and think deeply about his answer.
From that founding moment, the struggle between the government's authority and the citizens right to Individual Liberty has never stopped. Over the course of time in that struggle, we have allowed Individual Liberty to be sacrificed on the altar of government provision and entitlements. We have now placed ourselves in a position where the Liberty which our founders envisioned and gave us is barely recognizable. And through the currant leadership of Barack Obama and others, we are on the precipice, teetering on the edge, of losing what little Liberty we have left. A good example is the fact that the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is nothing more than the air of life being sucked from the breath of Liberty, government forcing you to live the way it thinks you should. My dear, dear friends, we are allowing the government to force us into returning to a life of bondage. We must begin fighting back and save ourselves from returning to the deep, dark cavern of slavery to the government. We are not losing our Liberty from one huge chop of an ax, but the slices of a thousand cuts of the sharp razor of Socialism. Someone said, "Government has sliced away for generations at Liberty all under the guise of a paternal mentality of providing for the average citizen," Our government, under the leadership of President Obama and Harry Reid, is now promoting the notion, that it's ok for people who will not work to just live off the backs of those who will. Even if we can take our Constitutional Republic back, it will not be done overnight, but we must begin. May I strongly suggest, as we approach the elections of 2014 (November 4th) and 2016, all the various groups from across this nation, tea parties and others, who respect the Constitution and our Judeo-Christian heritage put aside differences and issues that could be addressed at another time and present a national, united front to combat those who are united in their efforts to fundamentally change America. If we don't, I have a great fear that WE will have failed to "keep it," and it will be gone from our lives forever.

John Porter -- Bio and Archives

John Porter is simply a self-described “common,” Individual Freedom loving American citizen, like so many other American patriots, the salt of the earth.  Married to his childhood sweetheart for 55 years, born of the Great Depression and having lived the American Dream, Mr. Porter is a soldier fighting against the Socialist Army that seeks the Total Transformation of America.