
What is truth? Who will you believe? Choose

Los perdidos: PC vs. liberty

What is PC? PC is the mother of all falsehood and language of the lost. PC is abandonment of our 1st Amendment, cornerstone of this, a free people, based on the Word of God, which - if let go - reverses natural law and crushes liberty. PC is acceptance of what the state says we can and cannot say.
PC presumes the thesis that merely thinking something contrary to the interests of those in power is an actual crime against the state punishable in a court of law; thus, PC grants judges the authority to say what is in a man's heart based entirely on judicial opinion and punish him accordingly, even when no concrete criminal action has been witnessed. PC strengthens itself in anonymous accusations against law-abiding citizens by those who covet their stuff, and who - when given opportunity - will not shrink from bearing false witness in exchange for personal reward. PC transforms moral society into an amusement park hell that gratifies the basest human appetites, by removing all restraints that might hinder lawlessness. PC unifies all factions, or forces, poised against the laws of God, while directing their attacks against the innocent. PC is a tool in the bag of wicked men - and women - being applied more and more strenuously in their concerted and determined efforts to erase from human history The One Who created all that was created - our Most Awesome and Holy God - and to establish for their master, satan, a single all-powerful state that controls everything we think and do.
PC turns a free people into slaves. PC is an acronym..acronym for a new term, which is, in reality, an old lie. PC implies, or claims that man is god; and by extension, the state is god. Jesus told his disciples "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus, when questioned by Pilate - representative of all worldly authority - asking, What did you do? said, "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." Pilate, in the presence of the Lord, asked "What is truth?" and turned away from receiving an answer. What is truth? Who will you believe? Choose.

Chris Robinson -- Bio and Archives

Chris Robinson is a writer living in the United States.