
Scott "Clinic" abortuary protest

Linda Gibbons Acquitted

imageLinda Gibbons has just been acquitted by a provincial court judge in Toronto on a charge of obstructing a peace officer and has walked out of court a free woman. Justice Clements rightly ruled that Gibbons's conduct of being peaceful and silent could in no way be interpreted to mean she was making any peace officer's job more difficult when she was arrested outside the Scott "Clinic" abortuary in Toronto earlier this year. The decision brings into question the whole Crown/police tactic of charging Gibbons over a 14-year period with disobeying a peace officer, when the correct and more appropriate charge is disobeying a court order. Clements suggested Gibbons WOULD have been guilty of that charge on the basis of the evidence with which he was presented ... but that charge was not laid.
A charge of disobeying a court order would have given Gibbons the right to a jury trial and the opportunity to challenge the constitutionality of the 14-year-old "temporary" court injunction -- something minions in the attorney-general's office seemingly want at all costs to avoid. More details to follow shortly ... Tony Gosgnach is a freelance writer and radio show host based in Hamilton, Ontario. He is the Assistant Editor of The Interim Newspaper.

Guest Column Tony Gosgnach -- Bio and Archives

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