
We, the people, not political appointees, have the obligation to let Congress know what they should do regarding border law.

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies Lies, and more lies flowed from the mouth of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas at a press conference on Wednesday. It does not matter if you are a Republican or Democrat; if American blood and Texas pride are part of your makeup, you must be appalled.

Those of us living in Texas have watched the daily flow of illegal people walking across our southern border. Governor Abbott has used Texas tax dollars to ship thousands of these illegals to so-called "sanctuary cities." Those cities are now screaming foul.

Mayorkas and Company can fix this issue overnight

I guess the welcome mat is not on their front steps as advertised.

In typical Mayorkas fashion, the cause of the flood of people is not his fault. He never takes responsibility for his actions.

Our border was secure and functioning as designed prior to Mayorkas and Company taking over control. They are the ones that changed the operation of the border that now allows busloads of people to cross into Texas every day.

Mayorkas and Company can fix this issue overnight. Simply change the control of the border to the status it was before they got their hand on the handle of political power. If changes are needed in immigration law, let the people who have that responsibility, the US Congress do their job.

Sadly, our two major political parties have moved away from debate and discussion of the issues to one of blatant political power. Congress is supposed to debate, compromise and knead different ideas into a final product. Many times the good points supported by each side are put together into a product better than either side of the argument standing alone.

Stop the lies, open your eyes, and do your job

When a person with the authority of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas stands before an audience of reporters prepared or so ignorant to ask only softball questions and tells one lie after another regarding a closed border, our country is in huge trouble.

We, as Americans and Texans, must stand up against this travesty. Legal migrants are welcome in our country. Perhaps the word LEGAL should be in capital letters.

Mr. Mayorkas, open your eyes, see what is reality, and then put the lie machine away and do the right thing to re-establish a southern border. Stop the lies, playing with Americans' lives, and let Congress do its job.

We, the people, not political appointees, have the obligation to let Congress know what they should do regarding border law.

Laws so critical to America's safety and future should not be the current political football it has become.

Lies are not the answer. They are the problem.

Stop the lies, open your eyes, and do your job

Jim Ross Lightfoot -- Bio and Archives

James R. Lightfoot, Lightfoot Strategies served in Congress six terms, starting in 1985 and retiring in 1997. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal and General Government (TPS) of Appropriations, he had jurisdiction over 40% of Federal Law Enforcement (Customs, Secret Service, ATF, FLETC, and IRS enforcement).