
Kill God, Save Mankind

Liberals Want to Kill God to Destroy Sin & Cancel Judgment

American Sabotage: Since every Biden policy is failed, it's obvious the purpose of Joe's administration is American sabotage. What liberals have to gain from sabotage is pulling the US out of our established position as leader of the free world and forcing us into world Utopia.

Underwriting Terrorists: To not simply abandon Afghanistan, but to scuttle billions in weapons, to reject military agreements and to even evacuate unknown Afghani's while ignoring Americans was shocking. But Biden had to make his point – America is not special and cannot be counted on by allies for even the simplest aid. And now we must watch Ukraine get pummeled using outdated weapons, or none at all, while remembering how we abandoned $80 billion in advanced arms for Muslim radicals is sickening. 

Joe Biden: Ukraine Can Go Jump in the Black Sea

Two-Part Brain Twister: The two-part point here is both slyly contradictory and wickedly brilliant. First, America is attacked for being the traproot of all racism and the predominant sinner of capitalism. But we're also informed that truth does not exist and therefore any battle for a higher cause is an illusion. Then finally, the leftists pretend only Marxism is worth fighting for. Contradictions equal cognitive dissonance, ergo Postmodernism.

Nihilism R Us: But let's dig deep to truly understand the deranged and lost Western liberals. To believe you're always correct while contradicting the claim by insisting that life is meaningless results in self-abnegation. If you reject God, like Nietzsche, this leaves you nowhere else to turn for direction. Nietzsche's Will to Power is the only antidote to lost faith, which is what all good liberals fight for – power over anything else.

Noetic Power of Sin: The all-debasing effects of sin represents the all-corrupting influence of godlessness which then poisons every single topic contemplated. Liberals therefore have no ability to love others when they've already rejected the very idea of love itself.

Rights of Unlimited Discretion: Consider all the ways Democrats expose their insatiable thirst for godlike power. They demand for the right to unlimited judgment in all their actions. With George Soros DA's they reject the people's legislature and decide which laws can be ignored versus enforced.

Gods on Earth: They decide millions of unknown illegals is within their power on the border. In foreign policy they act like observers at a car wreck. As teachers they will shove whatever theories they choose down student's throats, like Critical Race Theory. And even on gender, they will recast God's creation at the drop of a hat. They are gods on earth, and no legislature has any power over them.

Utopia for Humanists: A Utopia is the answer to how mankind does sanctified labors on earth after already murdering God, in what Eric Voegelin called Deicide. Slaughtering God saves humans from judgment and hell since once God dies, He takes the infuriating idea of sin with Him and the threat of eternity in Hell.

Kill God, Save Mankind: Have no confusion on this point. Biden, just like Putin, accepts the notion of improving life on earth by banishing God. Now the results have never been salutary, but according to every liberal who's ever lived, all shortcomings in utopia result from not enough attempts. Meanwhile, don't forget to pray for Ukraine – they need every break they can get.

Kelly O'Connell -- Bio and Archives

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.