
Which we don't yet know, but one of his victims was a pro-life Christian police officer

Liberals pretty hopeful that Planned Parenthood shooter will turn out to be a Christian

Let's say nothing else before we say this: We don't know why Robert Lewis Dear shot up a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs on Friday, but it doesn't matter why he did it. It's a horrible, detestable act and everyone - regardless of their position on abortion or anything else - should condemn it. And almost all will. I believe Planned Parenthood is a monstrous organization, but those on "my side" of the issue simply cannot and must not resort to violence - especially murder - as a way of opposing them. I am very sorry for the death of every victim and I'll pray for their families. I don't know how to make it any plainer than that.
Now, having said that, you know that there are those who look first for the political angle on everything. The left has been very upset about the increasingly obvious nature of terrorism as a distinctly Islamic phenomenon, and they've been desperately trying to make the case that Christians are every bit as likely to be terrorists as Muslims. It's precisely because this notion is so absurd that they're reduced to claiming Timothy McVeigh and even Adolf Hitler were Christians. (Hey liberals, I thought "Godwin's Law" said the first person who brings up Hitler in an argument has lost. You'd better tell Whoopi.) So when the aforementioned Mr. Dear went into Planned Parenthood on Friday with guns a-blazing, the left was pretty excited. Could it be? Finally? What they've been waiting for and hoping for? A real, bona fide, Christian terrorist? Hearts leapt with excitement! Surely, this was The One they'd been waiting for:
Police identified him as 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear of North Carolina. Jail booking records indicate Dear is due in court on Monday. Few other details about the suspect were immediately available, including whether he had any connection to Planned Parenthood. "We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Colorado Springs police Lt. Catherine Buckley told reporters on Friday. She said Saturday that investigators expect to study the crime scene for several days looking for clues. Dear spent time at a small cabin in North Carolina with no electricity or running water about a half-mile up a twisty dirt road near Black Mountain, a neighbor said. On Saturday, there was a cross made of twigs on the wall of the pale yellow shack. "If you talked to him, nothing with him was very cognitive — topics all over place," said James Russell, who lives a few hundred feet down the mountain. Back in Colorado, Planned Parenthood said all of its staff at the clinic was safe. The organization said it did not know the circumstances or motives behind the attack or whether the organization was the target. The University of Colorado in Colorado Springs police department identified the officer killed as 44-year-old Garrett Swasey, a six-year veteran of the force. He was married and had a son and daughter, according to the website of his church, Hope Chapel in Colorado Springs.
Now of course, that story didn't identify Dear as a Christian at all - nor has anything that's come out so far. But that didn't stop the left from making the assumption and running with it. Twitchy had plenty of the left's blathering tweets to that effect, as did Business Insider. One of the first discussion threads on the left-wind discussion site Reddit shows a gleeful rush to judgment about Dear as surely a Christian lunatic, although there is also an admirable call to hold off on the rush to judgment by a few people. So far we don't have any information to back up the notion that Dear is a Christian, but what has been reported is not encouraging for the left:
The man who police say attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado had lived part of the time in a cabin with no electricity or running water in the North Carolina mountains. His neighbors in Black Mountain said Robert Lewis Dear kept mostly to himself. But James Russell said when Dear did talk, it was a rambling combination of a number of topics that didn’t make sense together and he tended to avoid eye contact. Two topics Russell said he never heard Dear talk about were religion or abortion. Dear’s cabin was a half-mile up a curvy dirt road about 15 miles west of Asheville. A cross made of twigs was nailed to the wall of the pale yellow shack on Saturday.
Now let's say this: If it does turn out that Dear associates with Christianity in some way, he's not following it at all. Scripture says God hates sin and calls on people to repent and receive the grace of Jesus Christ. At no point does it countenance the wanton murder of sinners, and anyone who wants to cite Scripture passages about swords and so forth needs to do a more serious study about what those passages really mean. But as of now, there's no evidence whatsoever that Dear is anything but a very twisted individual who needs to be locked up for the safety of everyone else. The fact that the left wants so badly for him to be a Christian shows that they are more concerned about someone possibly putting limits on their behavior than they are about the slaughter of innocents, which is why they are so unwilling to acknowledge which "religion" it is that is consistently behind such horrible acts - and which one is not.

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