
A Christian-owned national business deserves to be recognized.

Let Chairman Truett Cathy know you appreciate his Christian-based company!

imageFebruary 7, 2011 Dear Friend, Recently, Chick-fil-A restaurant chain has been in the news for its strong support of marriages and I thought you would like to thank them for their commitment to family-friendly values.
Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy built a large restaurant chain on his "personal and business philosophy based on biblical principles." Chick-fil-A is known for the exclusively Christian music that is played in its restaurants as well as being one of the few national businesses to close on Sunday, with no exceptions. Cathy also reflects his Christian faith philanthropically. Mr. Cathy used his business success to first start a scholarship program, and later a retreat center both of which go by the name "WinShape" to reflect their goal of shaping/winning students, business people, and traditional marriages. Chick-fil-A's stated corporate purpose is:
  • To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.
  • To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.
The principles that Chick-fil-A is built on are obviously a strong foundation as the chain consists of over 1,500 locations in 39 states as well as Washington, D.C. Take Action Send an email to Chick-fil-A chairman and founder Truett Cathy. Let him know you appreciate his Christian company, and his stand for family values. Sincerely, Tim Wildmon, President American Family Association

Tim Wildmon -- Bio and Archives

Tim Wildmon, is President of the American Family Association