
Irish Woman Imprisoned In ‘Slow Euthanasia’ Nursing Home System

Kidnapped for her own good?

Kathleen StensonIn this Round Table, host Gian Turci presents a story that has nothing to do with smoking, or even with lifestyles, but it still has very much to do with the corrupt institution of Public Health. The story is at once moving and telling. It is the story of Kathleen Stenson and her son William. The problem of the treatment of elderly people is ever more pressing in a technocratic society that is becoming less and less human all the time — “for your own good.” In Canada, for example, old folks in nursing homes are forced to go outside to smoke in polar temperatures and they sometimes are found stiff dead the morning after, forgotten by all. Those crimes by Public Health go totally unpunished, and they keep going unreported by media that are fearful servants of the Public Health machine and of the “public opinion” that they themselves are helping to form.
This is a case of a quasi-kidnapping of an 81-year-old woman on a technicality by a nursing home in the UK. This lady, Kathleen Stenson, has suffered twenty-one months in isolation. Her treatment is cavalier. Apparently, she is underfed. Her son William Stenson says that he can talk to her only for an occasional 5 supervised minutes on the telephone and he has to fight hard ever to see her. He complained to the operators of the nursing home about her bed, and as a result was escorted out of the premises by cops. All that William wants is to take his mother home with him back to Ireland. But that too is denied. William has contacted FORCES after being largely ignored by the mass-media. This is a stunning story that merits the attention of all our readers and listeners. Growing technocracy is making travesties of this kind ever more common. Old folks are forgotten and discarded after a lifetime of service to society. They worked, they have been mothers and fathers, they paid their taxes and contributions to the state. But, today, when it is time to collect some rest, they get blackmailed: if you want to stay here, you have to quit smoking or drinking. If you want that operation you have to lose weight, and so on. Sometimes they even get sequestered — as seems to be the case with Kathleen Stenson. More... Click here for another article on Kathleen Stenson (stored copy)

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