
Stocking Congress with progressive Republicans, who talk a conservative game but act in concert with progressive Democrats, is an excellent, ancient, tried-and-true strategy

Kabuki Debt Ceiling Nonsense

It’s the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of fall. It just keeps coming around. So does the Kabuki Theater in congress over the debt ceiling, which will ultimately be raised. The show that accompanies the process will be characterized by the usual irrational plot, appalling acting, extremely competent Democrat propaganda and not much benefit for the nation. Republicans know very well that the Democrat propaganda machine has already revved up and is snorting and pawing at the gate, ready to trample on Republicans for any interference whatsoever in the process to raise the debt ceiling. This causes one to wonder: where is the Republican response, and why does it always seem to be suspiciously faint?
Can the answer actually be that the Republican leadership in congress are progressive liberals (progressivism = communism light)? The answer is an unqualified yes, and this case can be made merely by observing their actions. When people understand this, they will stop expecting the Republican leadership to act like conservatives. Stocking Congress with progressive Republicans, who talk a conservative game but act in concert with progressive Democrats, is an excellent, ancient, tried-and-true strategy. Failure to raise the debt limit is no great disaster. The government has many actions available to it to cope with the situation for a long time. There is no danger that essential services will be halted, as we’ve learned from previous government “shutdowns.” Well, except one. During the last shutdown, while the government spun merrily along, Obama halted White House tours to show how dire the crises actually was. It was so bad, in fact, that national parks were closed, although no worker was furloughed or lost any pay. As with the White House tours, closing the national parks was for show only and the progressive media ran the story repetitively for many days during the shutdown. Low information and unthinking voters took the shutdown of the National Parks as a sign that there was a true crisis. Simple-minded propaganda works.
The government magically continued to issue Social Security and welfare checks. There was no interruption in Medicaid, the food stamp program or other entitlements. Curiously, the government knows far in advance that the debt ceiling will unfailingly be exceeded in a certain number of months, perhaps 6 or 12, but it always creates a crisis as the nation approaches the limit. One wonders why, if the government is supposedly beneficent, it doesn’t decide to live within its means and reduce spending well in advance. Sorry, that was a not-funny little joke. Can the need for increased spending come about because the government has to pay more for things? Ironically, the government constantly expands the money supply (the very definition of inflation, otherwise known as legalized counterfeiting), and then spends the added funds. The money filters into the economy and over a period of 6-18 months, and causes prices to rise. The government creates the inflation that it uses as one justification for increasing the national budget and the national debt. It wins in two ways: it spends the money that it created and it spends the money from additional borrowing. This is blatantly obvious malfeasance. As we move through this well-planned, fraudulent, childish Kabuki Theater, perpetrated by pathetic, progressive elected and appointed officials, remember this. This is a manifestation of just how victimized the American people have allowed themselves to become.

Jack Puglis -- Bio and Archives

Jack Puglis, a lifelong conservative, managed engineering development for most of his career and more recently has prepared and presented numerous training courses in leadership, management and organizational development.  He has been a lifelong student of economics, finance, management science, leadership theory and politics.  Jack Puglis holds a BS and MS in electrical engineering and an MBA. Jack can be reached at: jpuglis @ optonline.net