
Utterly insignificant, banal and irrelevant topic - namely the contemptible and buffoonish Justin Trudeau

Justin Who?

I always thought celebrity culture and personality cultism were the exclusive domains of image-fixated Americans. The ghastly veneration and child-like swooning for movie stars, professional athletes and political dictators of the Obama persuasion, I thought, were products of a culture motivated by shallow show business-created fantasy and Hollywood hair and make-up artists. In all other aspects of life Canadians have a drab knack for infinite practicality, sobriety and pragmatism, but when it comes to politics, sadly, our wonderfully sleepy culture seems to have been poisoned by superficiality and image-worship that’s largely driven by our Liberal activist mainstream media.
This article is perhaps the biggest challenge of my storied writing career since how does one spin intriguing tales from an utterly insignificant, banal and irrelevant topic - namely the contemptible and buffoonish Justin Trudeau? Given my tender age I always considered myself lucky to have been too young to truly understand the dark period of Canadian history during the reign of that other detestable, foul-mouthed, Castro-loving, womanizing Trudeau, Pierre. It wasn’t until many years later that the damage King Trudeau the First caused to Canada set in, through the National Energy program, The Charter and many other contemptible programs too horrifying to mention. Yet here we are, experiencing a kind of apocalyptic déjà vu as the gift of Pierre Trudeau keeps giving through his heir apparent Justin Trudeau. Seems North Korea doesn’t have exclusive dynastical rights as the Canadian media types fan the flames of superficiality, image and false-promise of so-called Canada’s favorite son. Still one has to feel sorry for Justin, eternally bearing the weight of being the son of arguably the most hated man in Western Canada. And as all prodigal sons yearning for acceptance, Justin seems to be trying really hard to win the hearts of us Bible thumping, gun-toting knuckle draggers who live in the badlands west of Ontario, who don’t seem able to wrap our slopped foreheads around the sophistication of nuanced politics that are the hallowed preserve of all greatness that’s limited to, and concentrated in, Quebec. Yet the answer is quite simple lest we forget the divine nature of the Liberal party, entitled not only to their entitlements, but to lord over us simple folks. Who is Justin Trudeau, what has he accomplished, and what justification do the media have when extolling him as Canada’s equivalent to the American Messiah Obama? Seems credibility and experience matter not since Mr. Trudeau is entitled to the high office and we ought to bow our unwashed carcasses before his greatness according to the sycophant Liberal quizzing media-types who can’t stop writing about him. Alongside the news stories of murder, mayhem, and politicians robbing us blind, Justin Trudeau’s recurring image and story buttress the notion that our society and species are surely destined for extinction, far faster than nature intended.
Canada’s media types are going as far as calling Justin’s run for the Liberal Party leadership as the new Trudeau Mania. Fitting since defined, mania in some dictionaries is; “mental illness marked by periods of great excitement, euphoria, delusions and over activity”. Defines liberalism down to the detail, doesn’t it? But hyperbole and marketing puffery aside, under all the make-up, photo flashes, bright lights, designer suits and teeth whitener, we must force ourselves to look deeper to truly understand the menace that Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party are, to Westerners and to all Canadians alike. It’s not like choosing Justin Trudeau is out of sorts with the twisted Liberal Party leadership selection process that brought us charismatic geniuses and giants of personality like Michael Ignatieff, Stephan Dion, Jean Chretien and its current magnificent, ex-communist leader Bob Rae. Aside from the cheesy, d’Artagnan-inspired goatee he once sported, Justin has not as of yet matched the accomplishments of his predecessors. Whether it’s flying flags of convenience on his ships to beat Canadian taxes like Paul Martin, destroying one of Canada’s wealthiest provinces in just five years like Mr. Rae did, or whether it is sponsorship scandals, failed (and expensive) gun registries or failed green tax scams that defined Mr. Chretien’s time in the big chair, Mr. Trudeau surely has a proud heritage to live up to. But as all Liberals, undulating before unassuming Canadians with their alluring and beguiling dance of entitlements and promises of centrally planned utopia, at times a veil drops inadvertently as the dirty ankle of Quebec political arrogance is exposed for all to see. Take for example Trudeau’s media faux pas in 2010, when the ugly truth surfaced in an interview with Quebec media. “Canada is in trouble because Albertans are running the country”, Trudeau was quoted as saying by Sun Media. “Canada isn’t doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn’t work”, Trudeau went on to say. When asked whether Canada was better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans, Trudeau arrogantly replied, “I’m a Liberal, so of course I think so yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec….This country, Canada, it belongs to us”. Of the 22 Prime Ministers in Canadian history, eight originated from the West, eight came from Quebec and the remaining six were native to eastern provinces other than Quebec. It is clear that eastern Canada has been disproportionately represented in Canada’s high office. Furthermore, there is no evidence that PMs from Quebec outperformed their western counterparts given that political performance is often a subjective assessment and too often runs according to disparate political alignments and ideologies. To claim that “Quebec” PMs are superior to so-called “Western” PMs is as ludicrous as it is distasteful and unsubstantiated. It is not the Canadian way to judge people based on their birthplace, language or culture, and it is detestable for a candidate running for Prime Minister to suggest as much. Sadly, as vile as Trudeau’s ascertains are regarding Quebec owning Canada, there is a sliver of truth to his arrogance. Consider Federal transfer payments - not accounting for the Health and Social Transfers which all provinces receive, and not accounting for the Territorial subsidies which are calculated using a different formula – Quebec receives payments all out of proportion to its size and population. In 2012/13, according to the Department of Finance, the Government of Canada will transfer a total of $15.331B in equalization payments to six provinces including Quebec. Of that amount, Quebec will receive $7.391B – or $935 per capita – whereas the other five provinces share the remaining $7.940B – or $500 per capita. It is also interesting to note that of the six provinces receiving equalization payments, just one – Manitoba – is located in the west (which is understandable considering Manitoba has had feckless and profligate NDPers running the province for the past 12 years). How does one explain the disparity in equalization payments? Guess ownership has its privileges. Furthermore, it is particularly galling and frustrating that the Alberta Oil Sands, which are funding the Greek-style social programs on behalf of Quebecers, is constantly being vilified and run down by psychotic lefties in the east. Not only do we Westerners have to pay for their profligate spending, we must also endure insults and degrading hatred and Francophone-centric attitudes that spew from the political elites in Quebec. Seems they detest our ingenuity, hard work and fierce independence that run contrary to the nanny state dogma so desperately adhered to by Liberals in Eastern Canada. It is also interesting to note that it was Liberals that destroyed Ontario, which at one time was Canada’s jewel of finance and manufacturing just 10 years ago, and now the province must come cap in hand for Federal payments courtesy of that other detestable Liberal Dalton McGuinty. Although Ontario has legalized bawdy houses and prostitution under the protection of the Charter, one has to feel sorry for its citizens since they are too broke to enjoy their newest industries. Canada’s French language laws are another example of Quebec’s disproportionate influence over the rest of the country. The province of Quebec is notorious for bullying businesses that dare to display English prominently on their signs. Yet the rest of Canada must provide French language services to Francophones where ever they may be within the vast borders of Canada, irrespective that the majority of French-language speakers reside in Quebec. According to the Fraser Institute, it is estimated that Canada spends approximately $2.4B annually – or $85 per Canadian – for bilingual services, in spite of only 23% of the Canadian population, mostly located in Quebec, being French speakers. It is also interesting to note that Quebec has only one official language and you can bet it’s not English. Never mind that Quebec has threatened repeatedly to secede from Canada, a costly venture for citizens outside of Quebec who have had to foot the bill of appeasement. Is Canada really better off with Quebecers in charge, who think Quebec owns Canada? Is Quebec so hard done by as Mr. Trudeau would have us believe? It would be fair to argue that we cannot paint Justin Trudeau with the unkind brush of history lest we suggest guilt by association, but sadly, nothing in his personal dossier would suggest he is Prime Minister material at this time. Given the intense competition in the private sector, where even a secretary requires a degree and specialized training, Justin Trudeau is frankly a lightweight, lacking both experience and vision that in no way suggests he could fulfill the vigours of running a great nation like Canada. True he has dual Bachelor degrees but we all know Arts degrees have little value beyond hamster cage lining. Even your humble writer is academically more qualified, as I completed my Masters Business degree whereas Mr. Trudeau dropped out before completing his in engineering. Furthermore, Mr. Trudeau’s performance as a two-term MP has been equally lackluster and we cannot find any meaningful parliamentary accomplishments that make him stand out. I, like many other concerned Canadians would take an ounce of substance over 10 megatons of charisma, for we have seen the effects that men on white horses have on societies – we need only look to America’s decline over the past four years under another phony named Obama. A relative recently said to me that he’d vote for Trudeau, “…..since he’s young and fresh”. That’s a great way to buy your veal supper but I have to question that motivation when deciding on the leader of our country. And much like movie stars who achieve vast fortunes, fame and glory by merely pretending in front of cameras, we can only hope that Canadians will reject the false promises and shallow hero worship that the media is pushing on us through the likes of Justin Trudeau. Go back to your riding, Mr. Trudeau and earn our respect through hard work, sacrifice and experience. But perhaps to project what we hold to be so-called Western, conservative values may be too much to ask.

Tom Barak -- Bio and Archives

Tom is a Canadian-based freelance marketing consultant and writer and has been a long-time member of the Conservative movement. He received his MBA accreditation from the University of Manitoba and splits his time fundraising for community centres and mentoring and consulting with local and national businesses.