
The Contract with “We The People”

Jerry Odom, Nebraska’s Second District

Folks, from what I can find out about this guy, he is the kind of person we need in Congress. Plus he is highly recommended by a dear friend who lives in his district and knows him personally. Please visit his website: odomforcongress.net spread the word, and please donate to help him win. Thanks, Val
We here in the state of Nebraska have had to put up with Senator Ben Nelson of the" Cornhusker Kickback" fame, and now we are having to put up with Lee Terry who will say one thing at meetings and turn around and vote another way. For example, just 2 weeks ago, Lee Terry voted to increase a fund for Nanotechnoloy by 1/2 a million each year for the next 5 years. We need a candidate for Congress that knows how to say "NO" to spending. Jerry Odom stands for Fiscal Responsibility all the time, not just part time. Support Jerry Odom and put this great country of ours back on the right track. Patricia Rief-Hesket

The Contract with “We The People”

I challenge all other Candidates nationwide to follow my lead and hold themselves accountable to a higher standard. I challenge them to truly embrace real transparency by publicly displaying a signed document stating in clear, direct and concise language what they are prepared to do in Congress by their declaration of principles. Candidates who possess the integrity and courage to accept this challenge will have no difficulty in demonstrating to the voting public that they are running for the right reasons. A Candidate unwilling or unable to make a direct declaration has no business asking for your trust or your vote. The days of blindly trusting a candidate have passed. “We the People” of America can no longer afford to accept the risk of candidates subject to weakness, lies and corruption. I, Jerry Odom, declare I will hold myself accountable to the following principles: See it here

Marion Valentine -- Bio and Archives

Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist (disabled)