
Meanwhile even as they scurry away from justice, the jig is finally up for the hate-driven members of the January 6 Poison committee, who are throwing in the towel with scant media attention

January 6 Committee Fading Into The Fog With No Media Attention

January 6 Committee Fading Into The Fog With No Media Attention
You won’t read this in what Elon Musk describes as the “legacy media” but yesterday Liz Cheney’s bedraggled January 6 special committee cratered into the ground in a monumental crash landing. “The January 6th special committee has formally withdrawn its subpoena of former President Donald Trump.” (ZeroHedge, Dec. 28, 2022)
"In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena," wrote Rep. Bernie Thompson (D-MI) in a Wednesday night letter sent to Trump's attorneys, which was obtained by CNN.

Get-Trump-obsessed Jan. 6 committee invested the lion’s share of their 'investigation' on the former president the Democrat Party and RINOs live to hate

"Therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena," the letter continues.”
A Truth never reported is that Trump was never obligated to comply or produce records in response to “said Subpoena”, in the first place. “With the investigation wrapped up and the committee set to disband when the next Congress convenes in the new year, on Jan. 3, a number of subpoenas related to other witnesses have also been dropped, according to CNN." (New York Post, Dec. 28, 2022) While the Get-Trump-obsessed Jan. 6 committee invested the lion’s share of their 'investigation' on the former president the Democrat Party and RINOs live to hate, there were to this date, zero investigations into the fate of some hundreds of political hostages incarcerated without bail in D.C. All prisoners arrested for peacefully protesting at the Capitol do not even get mentioned in the committee’s throwing-in-the-towel inevitable disbandment.

Their letter reads like an appeal from dissidents in the Soviet Union

Yet the following horrors describe the inhumane circumstances in which they still struggle to survive a year and a half after they were taken away from loving families and thrown into jail:
“I just read the urgent letter signed by 34 innocent Americans, jailed in Washington, D.C for peacefully protesting the stolen 2020 presidential election, writes attorney Larry Klayman. “…What’s being done to them is so demonic, so foul, that they’re BEGGING to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba…where vicious, America-hating terrorists get better treatment! “Their letter reads like an appeal from dissidents in the Soviet Union. “Here are just a few examples of what they’re enduring (I quote directly from their letter, published by Gateway Pundit):
  • Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercy through a 4-inch by 10-inch window of cold metal doors
  • No visits from family, friends, lawyers, or clergy
  • No Mass or Sunday worship service
  • Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of ripe urine
  • Broken toilets that either won’t flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
  • Stuck in Cells for 9 days without a shower
  • Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time

And this has been going on for up to a year and a half…in AMERICA

“Outrageously, there’s more. “Guards deny them hot water and keep them from attending court. They severely beat, mace, harass, insult, and even sexually assault them. “Their food is so disgusting and so low in nutrition, that some prisoners are losing their eyesight, their hair, and getting scurvy (from Vitamin C deficiency). “There’s much, much more…all of it horrifying. “And this has been going on for up to a year and a half…in AMERICA. “They conclude their letter by pleading to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS terrorists get better treatment!”

“Please say a prayer for the January 6 Prisoners. Their temptation to despair, to give up, must be enormous"

This is the tortuous ongoing status quo of the government’s political hostages, as reported by take-no-prisoners Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and founder and General Counsel of Freedom Watch.
“I’m proud to say I am the first lawyer to EVER obtain a court ruling that an American president committed a crime when I won my case against Bill Clinton,” says Klayman. “I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents – AND WIN! “And now I’m pursuing two class action lawsuits and other important legal actions to get justice for the January 6 Protesters and take on Joe Biden’s rotten regime in court. “Nobody else is doing what I’m doing in court to get justice for these poor people."
CFP joins Klayman and many Americans in asking, “Please say a prayer for the January 6 Prisoners. Their temptation to despair, to give up, must be enormous.” Meanwhile even as they scurry away from justice, the jig is finally up for the hate-driven members of the January 6 Poison committee, who are throwing in the towel with scant media attention.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.