
This great American hero in the mold of a Davy Crockett, willing to take the most severe consequences in defense of principled patriotism

James Traficant, convicted ex-congressman, dies

Today, America has lost a rare jewel, and Lady Liberty, her most fervent admirer. James Traficant has passed away. The ex-congressman and former Youngstown sheriff died from injuries he sustained while operating a tractor on the family farm. He was 73. Our prayers and kind wishes go out to his family.
James Anthony Traficant, Jr. was a friend to all who love the freedom we are guaranteed, as originally defined in our nation's founding documents. He was clearly in an adversarial relationship with fellow democrats throughout his career, most of which hated him, and conservative persons, as well, were generally not comfortable to work with him. This was made abundantly clear when, following his being railroaded by the now infamous Department of Unjustice, in a big phony federal courtroom, with a phony lady-judge, facing off with a crummy DOJ lawyer who coerced witnesses into giving false testimony - IN MY OPINION - and he was being dissed by the house ETHICS committee in the course of his perfunctory expulsion by that august body, he repeatedly baited them, and assailed their personal dignity (whatever they may have conceived that to be). He had repeatedly professed his innocence, and refused to make a plea-bargain to get off light on the basis of making a false confession of guilt, saying "I'll rot in prison before I'll admit to doing something I didn't do!" And he did, too. During his 7+ years as a guest of the federal incarceration system, the Honourable Mr. Traficant honed his art skills, making paintings with what materials he could muster, mainly cardboard and waterbase paint. His subjects ranged from cabins in the woods on nights of the full moon, with clouds passing over, to fanciful portraitures of celeb's like Mae West and Elvis. When these began appearing on e-bay auctions, and selling, the frustrated IRS made vain efforts to steal the proceeds, but, one way or another, couldn't do it. Obviously frustrated by his successful avoidance of their attempts at grabbing the family farm just outside Youngstown, for the supposed costs of framing him for 10 or so conspiracies..conspiracies in which no co-conspirator was ever named, they were thwarted yet again by the former college football all-star, making a neat end-run around the IRS debt-collectors..no mean feat!
Earlier on, when he had represented the taxpayers of Ohio's 17th district, holding for 18 years a seat now occupied by a political forgettable who scooped the spoils in the wake of the conspiracy to make Traficant a forgotten name by all his fellow dem's, and many others, a few 'independents' and Republicans, as well, Traficant would step up to the podium each morning, and take out his privilege to speak on any topic for one minute..not a second of which was wasted in establishing the latest outrage perpetrated on taxpayers by a top-heavy federal government. He once famously referred to the house of rep's as "..that bordello!" and all the wounded party members howled for an immediate apology. In typical form, and in the true spirit of cooperation, he stepped up to a microphone and promptly offered a full and vigorous apology to...hookers across America, for having associated them with D.C. politicians. Upon his release as a convicted felon after serving nearly all of an 8-year sentence, this great American hero in the mold of a Davy Crockett, willing to take the most severe consequences in defense of principled patriotism, returned to his home town and with little time in the balance, got his name on the ballot as a write-in candidate, directly in the face of a somewhat smooth-and-tuned democrat political machine in control of the newspapers, etc., which tried to disqualify him by tossing out signatures as not valid. He defended their integrity, and it was later found that he had more than enough qualified signers. With virtually no campaign and zero dollars, the announced results told that he received 25% of the votes cast, something like that. And straight out of the joint! A local area filmmaker made a documentary about our friend, with interview footage, though it has not been widely seen, as of yet. Jim will continue to inspire controversy, and I should not be surprised if his legacy does not stir up some more of the muck, given the nature of politics in the belt-way, and their sort of immortality as a line-up of characters..characters most peculiarly American! See you on the other side, Jim! Chris Robertson

Chris Robinson -- Bio and Archives

Chris Robinson is a writer living in the United States.