
Jackass Journalism

I would listen to Radio Moscow at night from my shortwave radio during the cold war years and hear propaganda spewed by Pravda and Tass, the Russian news services. With modern telecommunication technology, Radio Moscow is no longer in service and nefarious schemes can be hacked into almost any communication device by a malevolent country.
This is the premise the Democrats went by in basing their erroneous accusations for starting the three years and the waste of millions of taxpayer dollars in hearings with failed outcomes, to prove unsuccessfully, election tampering by the Russians as the cause for Hillary Clinton losing the 2016 election, and searching for unfortunate incidents to attach blame on President Trump, jockeying to lay the ground work again toward the 2020 election. We now have Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi replicating a Radio Moscow for the same purpose, using jackass journalists from CNN, MSNBC, the New York times and Washington Post, to propagandize their attempts to discredit the duly elected President of the United States of America. They are already blaming him for the coronavirus.

George Giftos -- Bio and Archives

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies.
George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.