
So just remember; don’t believe your lying eyes. The truth is what Uncle Joe tells you it is. Just ask him!

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

The Biden administration once again demonstrated just how little respect they have for American citizens. Biden’s surrogates are trying to blame their totally botched exit from Afghanistan on President Donald J. Trump. American’s Marxist Uncle Joe Biden thinks Americans are so stupid that you will believe that eight months after Trump left office that the Biden administration’s tragic Afghanistan exit was Trump’s fault. It takes a special kind of stupid to come up with that assessment! It also takes the same special kind of stupid to show this much disrespect of the American people, who saw exactly what happened in August 2021. The Marxist Biden gang is saying don’t believe your lying eyes.

Of course, this is par for former and current Democrat Presidents, and it’s right out of the Marxist’s playbook. Obama was not at all bashful about blaming his failures on his predecessor George W. Bush. The empty suit that is Obama was even so bold as to claim credit for all the good things his successor, Donald Trump, accomplished for America. It was a special kind of stupid for him to disrespect Americans so blatantly.

“It’s Déjà vu All Over Again” ~ Yogi Berra

The clown show that is the Biden administration is playing the “don’t believe your lying eyes” card once more. The Biden minions are trying to convince you that it is Donald Trump’s fault that Biden’s Marxist puppet master had him sign those 17 Executive Orders on his first day in office that have destroyed the American economy, destroyed border security, allowed human trafficking, allowed historic levels of drug trafficking, ended America’s energy independence, and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his extreme COVID response.

Biden now has a woke military that is “diverse and inclusive” but has questionable skills when it comes to meeting military readiness standards. Physical, mental, and medical standards are being “relaxed” to somehow achieve quantity without regard to quality of recruits. Is that a war winning strategy?

America now has a Supreme Court justice who is a woman, but in her confirmation hearing, she was unable to define a woman. Wow! But then the people behind the curtain have conned Biden into appointing primary Cabinet Secretaries who meet diversity and inclusion goals, but most don’t know a whit about the mission of their agency. For Cabinet Department Secretaries, competence is not required as long as some diversity group is represented. Shame on the United States Senate for being complicit in these travesties by confirming these incompetent fools.

“Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will.” ~ Yoda

Déjà vu or Reality

Now Biden and his gang that can’t shoot straight are doing it again. Americans and the world saw the unmitigated disaster that was the American military pull-out of Afghanistan. Biden is now saying what we saw with our own eyes didn’t happen that way. That ladies and gentlemen, is how little respect the Marxist Democrats have for you, the American voter.

Marxist Uncle Joe says:

  • Your eyes are lying to you about the southern border.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about the uncontrolled foreign invasion of America.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about human trafficking.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about out of control drug trafficking.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about hundreds of thousand COVID vaccine deaths.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about excessive use of force for alleged white collar crimes.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about high gas prices.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about human cause climate change.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about high green energy costs.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about government harassment of Donald Trump.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about wild government spending.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about how well gun control works.
  • Your eyes are lying to you about blatant federal government corruption.

Déjà vu: Damn near everything that comes out of the mouths of the officials of the Biden government is an out and out lie. There is so much video evidence that contradicts these government officials and proves that they are lying, so it takes a special kind of stupid to say the things that are contrary to what they had said before. The most egregious perpetrator of this pathological system of lies is the Liar-in-Chief of the United States, President Joe Biden.

Déjà vu: The enterprise corruption of the Biden crime family is a repeat of the Obama crime family, the Clinton crime family, and the enterprise corruption of the Washington Beltway Bubble Bandits in Congress. There may also have been corruption with Republican Presidents, but at least they kept it low profile. The named criminal clowns above have taken no particular care in hiding their crimes from the voters and the voters are not happy. It has taken that very special kind of stupid to do what they have done and expect no taxpayer pushback.

So just remember; don’t believe your lying eyes. The truth is what Uncle Joe tells you it is. Just ask him!

Steve Rossiter -- Bio and Archives

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.