
One more reason, on top of several glaring indictments, why our present alleged president is absolutely itching for an impeachment and even imprisonment--some undisturbed quiet time so he can remember his name

It's An Invasion!--At Our Invitation

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By —— Bio and Archives May 15, 2023

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I have been down this road so many times. It's a real stomach turner, trying to literally "beat the devil", in getting this to press before he and a whole host of obedient clones manage to destroy the evidence I'm carrying. Several hours ago I saw the video I am here presenting to you. So often I have faced the sadness of getting the goods over the finish line, but being too late for the exposition. I didn't see this particular clip until I had almost completed yesterday's story (the night before). Okay, so much for my excuses. Here is the reason for my catching up with you today: The New Testament tells us to ... "expose the works of darkness," (Ephesians 5:11). Well, as I hope you will soon see, this is one of the darkest I have delivered to Canada Free Press. If you are at all like me, you will be 'gobsmacked' at what we are about to look at. Again I hope it is still up and visible on the morning this will run.

Midnight Smuggling--by our own Biden administration

In the event that it is missing, and the evil people behind that abduction/erasure have succeeded in catching up with our video source, let me just briefly describe what you would see: It is a group of independent journalists/news hounds down at the border at El Paso County, Texas, where they have stumbled upon a midnight smuggling--by our own Biden administration--of illegal aliens they are busing, again let me repeat, our government beneath the Biden administration, is parking giant, brand-new buses, under the cover of night, on the Mexican side of the border (for crying out loud!) and loading them plum full of ILLEGAL ALIENS. If the video is still available Monday morning, I am praying that thousands, perhaps millions of people, will see this filming for themselves. Because what you are about to carefully scrutinize is another one of the countless lies of the real devil and the actions of the people who serve him. [The Border Patrol and the Reserve soldiers assisting them should not be included in that group. They are, just like any good soldiers, compelled to follow orders.]

NONE of these millions of people--all here under our alleged president's accommodating orders--have been examined for symptoms, tested hematologically, nor inoculated

I saw a press conference this morning where our alleged president's flowery named 'Press Secretary' (hired liar) was explaining that any rumors bouncing about, regarding the alleged president's somehow and/or in any way actually assisting the influx of illegals surreptitiously entering our nation is pure (and probably conservative fueled) LIES. She went on to say that the president is working hard, around the clock, and with every available resource to prevent "undocumented citizenry" from illegal entry into the United States. What a boldface pile of canard, prevarication and unadulterated deception it is! As I said in our yesterday's visit, the online generation of falsehoods, misinformation and propaganda is today producible with the simple click of a button. The age we live in right now can be summed up in what Gregor "Greg" Ivanovich said to Robert Redford in the movie, "SNEAKERS", "Martin! ... You won't know WHO to trust!" Well, that's where we are right now. Especially with the recent introduction of fully loaded and advancing "artificial intelligence”--crucial truths, life-saving facts, everything from wars to genuine communicable diseases, etc., etc.--can be fatally camouflaged with a moment's lying executive writ.

In this video, you will ultimately see the dozens of ILLEGAL entrants climbing into one of 1,000 buses (this month) finding seats for their international, air-conditioned, taxpayer paid, luxury bus ride to parts unknown in our country. Before leaving those buses these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will be loaded down with food stamps, lodging tickets, burger stand coupons, a language handbook, the government-authored certificate endorsing their employability, and who knows what else? All this is done in the black of night and most usually completely unobserved. Notice also, and remember, that NONE of these people--now numbering several millions, at least between seven and nine million, and all here under our alleged president's accommodating orders--have been examined for symptoms, tested hematologically, nor inoculated as a precaution, for the possible presence of the Covid virus, let alone the myriad communicable diseases: the measles, polio, chickenpox, etc., etc., that we have been fighting off for generations (many of which we have entirely eradicated domestically).

Clandestinely, royally escorted into our limping nation

It is amply documented they are bringing in those pariah and others too numerous to mention. Americans had been locked down and deprived of all sorts of healthful and economically invigorating liberties--several hundred million of us, for well over a year--and these future non-English speaking democrats who are guaranteed to always cast ballots supporting their beloved democrat sugar daddies, are clandestinely, royally escorted into our limping nation, without so much as a "by your leave" to hundreds of millions of hemorrhaging taxpayers.

There is so much more I could say about all that I hope you are about to witness. But, without further ado, I will let you see this for yourself. It needs to be seen by everyone. TO THE FULL EXTENT OF YOUR ABILITY, PASS THIS ON!! And I wish that Owen Shroyer, narrating the whole scene would drag me along with him on his next kindred visit, so I could be there to totally harmonize with his completely Godly and patriotically sound rant. Our Constitution and all the precious lives that have been sacrificed for our liberty and preservation afforded us by that wonderful document all deserve a tearful apology, from all the Americans who daily rest easily upon the freedoms handed to us on a silver platter. And this is but one more reason, on top of several glaring indictments, why our present alleged president is absolutely itching for an impeachment and even imprisonment--some undisturbed quiet time so he can remember his name.


Dave Merrick -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.

He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.