
The Convoy of Terror was an act of terror against Israe

Israel Hijacked

image“The soldiers who boarded the vessels did not carry arms openly, but were met with a violent ambush. Two soldiers were shot, one was stabbed and others were injured as they were set upon with clubs, knives, axes and heavy objects. They were in mortal danger and had to act accordingly in self-defense.” Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs “IDF naval forces were met with premeditated violence and extremely violent resistance on board the [lead vessel] Mavi Mamara. A total of seven soldiers were wounded – four soldiers were moderately wounded, two were initially in critical condition, as well as an additional three soldiers lightly wounded. Among the violent activists, there were nine casualties as a result of the soldiers defending themselves.” IDF Spokesperson

Terrorists onboard, disguised as “human rights activists,”

The Convoy of Terror was an act of terror against Israel, in fact against humanity. The terrorists onboard, disguised as “human rights activists,” cared not about aid, needs or even humanity. They brought along metal poles, large metal objects, stun grenades, fire bombs, knifes and other weapons. They used them all. Footage is available on the Internet from unmanned drones, including a segment showing dozens of “peaceful activists” lynching a single soldier and others throwing another soldier overboard to another deck. This was never meant to be a peaceful mission. Defenders of Israel need to rise. Israel has been hijacked and we are called to the rescue. Our mission is simple: We must talk and explain the true nature of the Convoy of Terror. This was an act of terror, no different than any other act perpetrated against Jews for decades, from plane hijacking to rocket launches, from homicide bombings to exploding car bombs. image“Flotilla” of humanitarian aid has a romantic notion to it. Its members, politicians, a Nobel Laureate, human rights activities and children promised this was a peaceful mission and stated to the world they came unarmed. David against the Israeli Commando and Naval forces of Goliath, they said, while off the camera they prepared to inflict bodily harm, maim and kill. The picture of a benevolent venture to aid an area starving and thirsting under siege was the background for what was soon to happen. Every image was meticulously prepared and designed to create the right propaganda message for the world. Nothing could have been further from the truth—millions in international aid are transferred via Israel into Gaza every week. The organizers wanted this opportunity, or else! They announced it to the world, and their mindset was that of armed conflict. Never give in to terrorism is a lesson Israel learned the hard way. Apparently, we have become too soft, too concerned with public opinion and acquiesced to risks and relaxing our position against terror. Why have we not learned? The Convoy of Terror organizers and participants must be made to pay, for those soldiers who are now hospitalized, for their injuries with which they would struggle and suffer for the rest of their lives, for the cost of putting a whole country on alert, for the hatred stemming from their acts and most importantly, for deceiving the world. The price must be particularly painful. A short visit to Israel and deportation for a hero’s welcome in their countries is insufficient. This was not a cruise ship stopping for a few hours for those on board to disembark and do their Duty Free shopping in Israel. This was an act of terror, and terrorists must face the consequences. Remember the Singaporean lashing or the way Russia had recently handed down sentences on those responsible for terrorist attacks against her people?

Countries that supported this Convoy of Terror must be held accountable, among them in particular Turkey

Countries that supported this Convoy of Terror must be held accountable, among them in particular Turkey. I am not versed in International Law to conclude if this can be construed as an Act of War, but it is becoming quite evident that Turkey may be heading directly in this direction. At the very least, Turkey should to be made to compensate Israel for the Convoy of Terror’s wrongdoings. Israel is going through the technical formalities better than in both Operation Cast Lead and the Second War in Lebanon. Information is being disseminated in a timely and orderly fashion, closed military areas have been declared around the disembarkation point, the IDF Spokesperson speaks well, the Ministers and Head of Opposition are backing up the operation to defend Israel against terrorism, footage has been made available on YouTube and elsewhere and overall Israel is reacting well to the attack forced upon her. Missing, however, is the strategic essence of action. Going through the mechanical motions is insufficient when terror is being excused, when Israeli anchorpersons are aiding and abating on official Israel Broadcasting Authority channels and when many in Israel go to protest against Israel—from Arabs who constitute a Fifth Column to Jews who themselves are the target of the terror but identify with the extreme left and its distorted reality. One may mistakenly think that Israel’s heart is in the wrong place, that this was a response by the Government, rather than by the People for the People. What must be done is to hit right back. If terror is to be appeased or permitted, it will strengthen and be repeated. If terror is not stopped, it will multiply and expand, until Israel reaches a point where she is unable to withstand multiple attacks against her. Now is the time to speak on behalf of the Jewish State. Act—speak, and speak again. Stand by Israel. Be public, visible, unwavering in your commitment. Do so for all different reasons, but be with Israel. Defenders of Israel, use every opportunity to call this act of terror by its rightful name; otherwise the Convoy of Terror will succeed. Do it for Israel, but also do it for you. What works against the Jewish State will multiply and expand and then be used very effectively elsewhere, be it in Afghanistan, Jordan, Spain, the UK, the USA or even Russia. No one is immune when we allow terror to hit Israel. Shortly thereafter, it will come full circle to a target in the place doing the condemning. What happens to Israel will happen to us. Evil is staring us in our faces and laughing out loud. The time is past due for action, or terror will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you. In the series “Postcards from Israel—Postcards from America,” Ari Bussel and Norma Zager invite readers to view and experience an Israel and her politics through their eyes, an Israel visitors rarely discover. This point—and often—counter-point presentation is sprinkled with humor and sadness and attempts to tackle serious and relevant issues of the day. The series began in 2008, appears both in print in the USA and on numerous websites and is followed regularly by readership from around the world.

Ari Bussel -- Bio and Archives

Ari Bussel is a reporter and an activist on behalf of Israel, the Jewish Homeland.  Ari left Beverly Hills and came to Israel 13 weeks to work in Israel Diplomacy’s Front from Israel.