
If we don't right the “Ship of State”—and soon—we might come close to becoming a 3rd world country. We can thank the Biden Administration if that comes to pass

Is This Not an Attempt at a “Legal Lynching” by the Democrats and the Main Stream Media?

Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, do you think this over zealous pursuit of accusing him of dubious felonies is over the top and, by some legal scholars like Alan Derschowitz and Jonathan Turley who have called this case presented up by Comrade Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg, a travesty of justice? Never in our history has a former president been charged with a crime and brought to trial with such weak (trumped up charges, no pun intended) facts. Instead of calling it a prosecution, it should be called a “persecution”.

Are the Democrats so fanatic about maintaining power in government that they have to use our judicial system as a cudgel over the heads of their political opponents, especially former President Donald Trump? The tactics they are using are right out of the playbooks of the former Soviet Union and Communist China and other dictatorships around the world.

Nancy Pelosi, has stated that Trump now has the opportunity to prove his innocence

These anti-Trump fanatics say that “Nobody is above the law”, but with all their shenanigans it seems that “Nobody should be below the law” either, as in the case of Donald Trump. Even the highly partisan ex-Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has stated that Trump now has the opportunity to prove his innocence. Has she forgotten one of the bedrocks of our judicial system is that when a person is accused of a crime, he is presumed innocent until a jury or a judge finds him/her guilty?

Ever since Donald Trump came down that escalator at Trump Tower, the Democrats have been on a vendetta against him, and I might add, his family. When he won the election of 2016 over the less than honest and shrill, Hillary Clinton, the venom and scorn of the Democrats has increased exponentially, even after he has left office.

The year 2023, seems to be the culmination of all the hate that has been following Trump these past 7 years, by bringing dubious legal cases against him in order to damage him politically if he gets the Republican nomination, and if he runs against a Democrat in the general election.

For the past couple of years, the Democrats have been trying to pin the label of Republicans as the party who are trying to do away with our democracy. 

The latest aberration by the George Soros backed Manhattan District Attorney, Comrade Alvin Bragg

With all the hate spewing out by the Democrats and their lackeys in the media, it seems that it is the Democrats who are the guilty ones who are undermining our democracy, not the Republicans.

The latest aberration by the George Soros backed Manhattan District Attorney, Comrade Alvin Bragg, proves that the Democrats are using our judicial system as a weapon against their political enemies. He delivered a 34-count indictment without pointing out a single crime that Trump had committed. Even “fellow travellers” from the political left and the two ratings starved news channels, CNN and MSNBC, have been having fits over the incompetence of Comrade Alvin Bragg's monstrosity of an indictment. It can be assumed that our Constitution is being shredded and a good portion of the American public couldn't care less as long as their party (the Democrat Party) wins an election and maintains its power. You could say, “Liberty's torch grows dimmer by the hour”.

The Republicans must fight fire with fire (unfortunately) instead of putting their tails between their legs and succumbing to the anti-American actions of the Democrats. Our young people (Generation Zs, people born after 1997) according to polls, only 15% think that our country is something to be proud of. It looks like our ultra liberal education system has done a good job of indoctrinating our young people in their radical leftist philosophy. If we don't right the “Ship of State”—and soon—we might come close to becoming a 3rd world country. We can thank the Biden Administration if that comes to pass.


Chuck Lehmann -- Bio and Archives

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side