
A grand renewal of the American spirit can overwhelm the stench of insider trading, nepotism and dishonesty that have become the hallmark of today's bureaucracies, if only President Trump is willing to let the light in with an influx of broad-based c

Is there a Republican Rainbow Coalition on the Horizon?

Is there a Republican Rainbow Coalition on the Horizon? President Donald Trump was fortunate to have run against a corpse in the 2016 election. Had his Democratic opponent exhibited even a teensy bit more energy, he may not have been able to slide into first place with his skeletal campaign crew. While hundreds of thousands of Americans wanted to participate in the Trump campaign, the infrastructure simply did not exist on the Republicans' side -- either in volunteer or paid positions. President Trump will not have the luxury of a complacent challenger in 2020. Moreover, many Trump voters, witnessing first-hand the decimation of their country, will not be satisfied the second time around simply donating to political campaigns and voting for the candidate with an 'R' stamped behind his name.
The pent-up supply of private sector talent, buried amongst Trump supporters, can be leveraged to help even the public sector playing field captured by the Democratic Party. Where paid positions are not available in the government, many patriotic Americans would proudly volunteer to save the country from its slowly solidifying, socialist state. A Rainbow Coalition of Republican volunteers, of all stripes and backgrounds, would rival the 1970s Sunshine Laws in its ability to keep government honest, transparent and accountable to its citizens. Given recent passage of the disastrous $1.3 trillion Omnibus budget that replenished the left's agencies, universities, not-for-profit and corporate interests, the only formidable tactic remaining to fight the institutional encroachment on individual liberty is to unleash the power of the people.

A Bogus Civil Service

Federal employment, in what should be a nonpartisan pursuit, has become highly politicized. When the national government, with its vast wealth, is weaponized against citizens whose ideology does not comport with Marxist precepts, an infusion of law-abiding workers is required to guard against public sector nest feathering, contract rigging, and pay for play criminality. So far, the Trump Administration appears to have bought into the modern notion that the only individuals qualified to work in the hallowed institutions of the federal bureaucracy are those with prior government experience. After seeing the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (FBI), the cover-up of Lois Lerner's e-mails (IRS), the persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy (BLM), and the hiring of the Pakistani Awan brothers as IT specialists (House of Representatives), is there any doubt that federal careerists are not the paragon of professionalism that the mainstream media makes them out to be? Unfortunately, like the influence-peddling fields dominated by the left (e.g., education, broadcasting, entertainment, publishing, journalism, grant-making and advertising), the government and legal sectors cleverly blackball free market adherents from entry into public service by first screening them out at the credentialing phase and second by not hiring them. The same, otherwise savvy, Trump who was averse to letting outsiders into his campaign apparatus has continued to pass over the appointment of non-D.C. players. If not corrected, this may be his undoing as the media's constant barrage of negative stories requires a counter balance of realism that can only come from the eye witness reports of fair-minded troops on the ground.

'Obamaesque' Citizen Mobilization

While career public administrators and corporate vendors have done their best to complicate systems with proprietary software and mazes of operating procedures, the same skillset needed to successfully run a private sector business are required to faithfully execute U.S. laws (e.g., contract management, accounts receivable, inventory controls, employee training, auditing and customer service). The American people who built the nation that feeds the world, inspires legions of emigres from faraway lands, and innovates in every notable industry can be trusted as faithful stewards of public institutions. In short, rather than hold federal positions vacant, fill them with new blood and reward individuals who create efficiencies and uncover malfeasance. Relatively speaking, the ratio of civilian federal employees (approximately two million) to the size of government ($3.8 trillion in 2015) is small. The salary for government workers is outlandish (average of $88,809 in 2016). The benefits are outrageous (30 paid holiday/vacation days after three years of service), but the growth in the behemoth federal budget stems from its disbursal of payouts through Medicare programs, grant-making, state/local government subsidies, and private sector contracts to the tune of 40 percent of GDP. If the Republican Party refuses to shrink the footprint of government, Republican citizens must also have access to government jobs to protect themselves from a recalcitrant government constituency hell-bent on issuing reprisals since the Democrats' loss of control of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court.

New Paradigm for Public Management

With a sizeable influx of private sector employees into the public sector, new forms of management, reporting structures, work schedules and deliverables could breathe life into the top-heavy, self-interested organizations constrained by union rules. Many younger, public sector managers might just be delighted with the freedom to innovate for their country. Imagine a United States of America where the feds allow retired scientists to teach high school Chemistry . . . English majors to serve as agency Ombudsmen . . . corporate controllers to oversee government audits . . . realtors to review public contract bids . . . private investigators to manage employee cellphone accounts . . . and homemakers to serve in the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Imagine how many bricks American families could lay across the southern and northern borders . . . the diversity of blog reporting that would emanate from citizens working directly with the federal government . . . and the number of folders high school students could file in a summer. For MAGA to happen, new management and volunteers, in the tens of thousands, need access to their nation's government, if nothing else, than to act as watchdogs.

The Resistance

First, consider only 4 percent of the votes tabulated in the District of Columbia were recorded for President Trump, while a whopping 96 percent were in favor of socialist Hillary Clinton. Second, the top three richest counties in the United States flank the Washington, D.C. metro area. With such a solid concentration of power brokers predisposed to government control at the expense of personal freedom, is it any wonder there has been an historical backlash against President Trump's leadership? Worse, the 'inside the beltway' resistance to a duly elected President has permeated the country with frightening effect on popular culture. Nancy Sinatra tweeted that "the murderous members of the NRA should face a firing squad." David Crosby cheered the Trump Tower fire that resulted in the death of one man and injury to four firemen. Incredibly, in 2017, the United States reached the point where assassination attempts on lawmakers was but a blip on the screen. With nary a "Seal the U.S. Borders Act" or "Audit the Fed Act" in honor of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise or Senator Rand Paul, the cowardly Republican leadership resumed the cocktail party circuit without exacting any political retribution for the physical assaults on elected Republican leaders. As the Republican Party leadership continues to play defense to the grossly offensive antics of the Democratic Party, an infusion of Trump supporters has become a critical need in the war for America's soul. Look no further than the 2017 Alabama special Senate election to see the lengths to which Democrats will go to organize their voter base through aggressive write-in campaigns, vicious personal attacks, the incitement of racial hatred, and organized protests.

Renewal of the American Spirit

The legitimacy of the United States government cannot be sustained if there is not a perceived, much less real, nexus between voting and governance. The alarming gap in political orientation between the 30 states that voted for President Trump and the epicenter of national policy-making portends civil unrest. President Trump's administration has done an excellent job with foreign policy, but after witnessing the Republican Congress fuel the Mueller- Russian Collusion witch hunt, their ineffectiveness in countering Democrat-supported violence, the enactment of the Omnibus budget, and the refusal to reverse even one major policy (e.g., healthcare, immigration or education), 2018 may prove to be the first year Trump voters gear up en masse emotionally, economically and physically for the big 2020 challenge. A grand renewal of the American spirit can overwhelm the stench of insider trading, nepotism and dishonesty that have become the hallmark of today's bureaucracies, if only President Trump is willing to let the light in with an influx of broad-based citizen participation.

Dr. Marguerite Creel -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Marguerite Creel has a doctorate in public administration from the University of Southern California.  She has taught government at UNLV, Peace College and UNC-Chapel Hill.