
"Unrelenting attack by the Obama administration on American energy production"

Inhofe Applauds House Passage of “Stop the War on Coal Act”

Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, welcomed the passage today in the House of Representatives of the "Stop the War on Coal Act." The bill was approved by a bipartisan vote of 233-175.
"I applaud the bipartisan House passage of the 'Stop the War on Coal Act,'" Senator Inhofe said. "Over the past four years we have witnessed an unrelenting attack by the Obama administration on American energy production - one that has resulted in lost jobs, higher energy prices, and lessened energy security. "Today's decisive achievement in the House stands in stark contrast to the stalling and inaction of the Senate. Many of my Senate colleagues have talked at length about unleashing American energy production and reining in the Obama-EPA, but when the opportunity arises to do so they hide behind cover votes. As these Senators head home to hit the campaign trail, their record is clear and excuses only go so far: thanks to many of them, the far-left polices of the Obama-EPA remain unchecked and will go forward harming American families with higher energy prices and lost jobs."

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