
Herman Cain remains solid, and will do so into the general election with continued support of the people

Ignore the smears, Mr. Cain

Wherever the source of the smears towards Herman Cain as of late comes from doesn’t matter. This is only a tactic to get Mr. Cain’s focus off his message and instead, he has to play defense towards allegations he was inappropriate toward a female in the late 1990s.
From what is being said about the incident, the accusations sound baseless. Herman Cain has already tried to explain the situation, but in doing so, he has wasted precious time when he could be explaining his 9-9-9 tax plan instead. But this latest attack has not hurt Cain…in fact, he and his Chief of Staff have mentioned the unending support—phones ringing off the hook and Cain has raised 400,000 dollars in one day. “There are factions that are trying to destroy me personally as well as this campaign,” Cain said. He continued to speak of a far greater force that isn’t deterred by the trash talk and negativity, “…that force is called, the voice of the people. That’s why we are doing as well as we are in this campaign so far,” he said.
Really! Americans will not listen to groundless accusations from a disgruntled woman who was annoyed that Cain compared her to his wife in height! There are more things deserving of our attention regarding this nation that voters are concerned about instead of critiquing whether or not Cain offended someone. If we are going to paw into the past of Herman Cain, then so shall we towards all of the candidates. We should find out if Mitt Romney really DID employ illegals at his home, as was mentioned during the CNN GOP debate in October. It seems the ugliness started during this debate and has escalated since. Herman Cain has continued to soar. According to the latest Quinnipiac University poll, Herman Cain has pulled ahead of Mitt Romney with a seven point lead. His remarks on China becoming a military threat are even under fire. If one has been watching the advances China is making, and considered the latest Pentagon annual assessment of China’s military buildup, what Herman Cain says is true. I mentioned in my earlier article that Cain has been the grown-up in all of this; he has not resorted to bringing down his opponent because he feels threatened. He has acted like a gentleman and has stuck to communicating his plans for America to the people, should he become president. All of the smears that are badgering Herman Cain are falling flat as voters know better. When it comes to elections, there will be moments when you will laugh over the absurdity of the process, when candidates have a sort of “off” moment ( I’m thinking of Rick Perry’s odd New Hampshire speech and other moments when it’s best to ignore. Herman Cain remains solid, and will do so into the general election with continued support of the people. Let’s stay focused! Our time and the presidential candidate’s time is best spent focusing on how we will fix problems our nation faces rather than entertain the comical and the absurd.

Felicia Benamon -- Bio and Archives

Felicia Benamon is a conservative columnist who writes from a political perspective, but occasionally deviates to write about other concerns facing her country. She comes from a military background and is currently a freelance reporter residing in Tennessee.

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