
Today, if you can hear his voice, call out to Jesus for His Salvation

If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts

By —— Bio and Archives--April 16, 2023

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For years I have been writing about how television has been reinventing Western civilization. After I pitched the tube out of our house back in 1987, I have been watching people transitioning from human beings into programmed automatons receiving instruction through their 'non-lives' lived vicariously in front of a tv. Folks, we have been mesmerized into believing whatever highly paid, keenly talented studio writers have banged into the brains of television viewers over the past 50-plus years.

Today we see the product of that insanity in the form of men declaring their 'womanhood' and vice versa with biological women lopping off their breasts. It had to happen, because we have allowed our thinking to become infected/corrupted through years of opening our minds to some of the biggest and most subtle lies perfectly set to hypnotic music, canned laughter and applause. And while there are many adults who will swear nothing of the sort has happened to them, their fertile-minded children were - IN FACT - left abandoned to a hot cable tv, on their own and without the benefit of any 'adult' supervision or explanation.

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By Hansen1 on 2023 04 16

Amen brother. My grandfather always said that we would know them by their words, and later my father used to say that whenever a Satanic leftist socialist Democrat (but I repeat myself) states ANYTHING, in fact the exact opposite is true, they themselves are guilty of that which they speak. I believe the current term is “gaslighting.” We are definitely in a battle of right vs wrong!