
The "New Deal" long ago became the "Same Old Deal." Barack Obama is no messiah; he personifies the "Same Old Deal."

If Obama is the messiah, is the GOP Satan?

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer Have we really come to this? Don't laugh! ... Jamie Foxx, most of the Hollywood Camp, and millions of voters really believe that Obama is a messiah.
The Left is nauseatingly slavish. But, do you really think anyone at the apex of the vaunted GOP Power Pyramid really fathoms, understands, or cares about what we are up against? I have concluded that they do not. They may be truly nice folks, but that is irrelevant. They are not living in the same world I live in. How about yours? Recall the story of the Gingerbread Man. The 2012 Republican Establishment is 'too smart by one-half.' They have become the Gingerbread Man sitting on Foxy Loxy's [Democrat's] nose in the middle of the stream while negotiating the future. My money is on the Foxy Loxy to win that contest ... all day long. Associated tangentially [and "tendentially"] with this neo-nonsense surrounding the 'fiscal cliff' discussions, are a host of GOP deadheads telling the GOP to market itself better or to give up on principles. Is that it? Is it over? Are we really all Socialists now? O.K. folks, here is some tough [ and contrarian] talk:
  • A "No-taxes" pledge is a tactic, not a strategy. After getting our buttocks thoroughly kicked in the latest campaign uttering the same thing, why would we you think it will work now? Taxes come and taxes go ... they will be permanent only if Americans lose their freedoms.
  • Freedoms are the key to survival, not Taxes! Freedom of religion, thought, assembly and speech is the best "sword" to wield when Freedom hangs in the balance. We had all better speak up.
  • Ronald Reagan forged a deal with Tip O'Neill that many did not particularly like in 1986 ... it raised tax rates for some and lowered it for others. It eliminated many deductions. Most importantly it simplified the Tax Code.
  • Democrats do not like a simplified tax code ... Such a tax code does not allow for them to hide their Socialism, or to dissect and divide the electorate. Ronald Reagan, instead successfully positioned the Republican Party to win a total re-write of the entire tax code in the future.
  • Sadly, Ronald Reagan could not foresee how the GOP Establishment would consistently lose the high ground over the next twenty-five years and fritter away this advantage. Drip, drip, drip. The Tax Code is now more bloated and complex than ever before.
  • Since when did Conservatives become a one-trick pony? I, for one, do not want to die in the Grover Norquist lifeboat, and America is not the HMS Bounty. Who appointed this Internationalist and Islam supporter, Grover Norquist, as the spokesman for Conservatism?
  • Establishment Republicans have no answer. The affluent elite that run the GOP Establishment have no clue and live in a far different world than 95% of their supporters of whom they take advantage and co-opt every four years.
  • 'Rank-and-File,' 'Tea Party,' and 'Cloth Coat' Republican Candidates [of any sex, race, color or creed] who spoke plainly were targeted by the Left's PACs as stupid wing-nuts and extremists. They foolishly trusted their GOP Establishment to stand up for them. They went like lambs to the slaughter [redux Sarah Palin 2008]. They were set-up and undefended and even criticized by the GOP Establishment in order to diminish/discredit Conservatism in the Party.
  • The Democrat Party's 'class warfare,' 'war-on-women,' and 'race cards' work because they are believed by the stupid and the ignorant. It is time for Conservatives to inform this segment of public that they are stupid and ignorant ... just as the Europeans, Russians and Chinese do every day! Think about that for a while.
  • The Democrat Team ran us ragged with political 'Counters,' 'Traps,' 'Screen Passes,' and 'Bootleg' plays. They ran ragged over a slow, gullible, and unimaginative Republican Practice Squad.
  • Political Victory is rarely a slam-dunk except in countries with dominant one Party systems. Like the card game, Bridge, one must often finesse the opponent to win the trick. The best players can win a "No-trump contract." So why do we always allow the Left to win the bid and to declare the 'trump suit?'
  • Now the GOP will negotiate some trumped-up Grand Bargain that preserves their own perquisites and little else. Pledges fall by the wayside in the first place because they lack the courage and power to stand up against Leftist ideology and propaganda in Congress and the Media.
  • The current Republican Party has failed its broad Reaganite constituency ever since the election of the Elder Bush. They have lost primarily because George H. W. Bush lacked the drive of "the vision thing." He also lacked the common touch. George W. Bush had the common touch, but still lacked the "vision thing."
Like the First and Second Estates [Clergy and Nobility] of the "Estates-General," the Republican Party is trying to reason with committed revolutionary Commune [the "Third Estate"] ... do you recall how that turned out for France?
"Summoned by King Louis XVI to propose solutions to his government's financial problems, the Estates-General sat for several weeks in May and June 1789 but came to an impasse as the three estates clashed over their respective powers. It was brought to an end when many members of the Third Estate formed themselves into a National Assembly, signaling the outbreak of the French Revolution." [a succinct excerpt from Wikipedia]
In an ironic twist, Obama has called his own Marxist Estates-General. We the People must become a Third Estate. If we truly understand the fullness and sincerity of the Enlightenment, the Colonial Foundings, the Declaration of Independence, and the struggle of the Confederation to reach a Federal Constitution, then we are no-doubt worried and frustrated. I have been speaking to and writing about this since 1996. The present rule by whiggish Liberal Republicans has failed America as a legitimate opposition party and the Republicans have lacked a strong practical political philosophy for 20 years. It is time for massive change in party structure ... or a new founding. One might call it a federalist Founder Party ... call it what whatever you want: New Republican, Constitution, Patriot ... whatever works. The old Republican brand does not. The "American Right," that loose conglomeration of Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Traditionalists, Patriots, and Libertarians, had better make common cause and agreement on these five 'Hell or High Water' principles of Political Freedom and Individual Sovereignty. Draw the line in the sand. Here they are:
  • Unconditional support for enforcing Federal Constitution: Separation of [specific] Powers, Checks and Balances.
  • Unconditional support for enforcing the Bill of Rights, particularly the First and Second Amendments.
  • Adherence to a strong Defense while observing Washington's warnings about Internationalism
  • Commitment to Government closest to the People and the various States, i.e.. the restoration and respect for true Federalism and the Ninth and Tend Amendments.
  • The goal of Individual success through personal accountability and "rugged individualism."
The "New Deal" affected American politics and Republican opposition for the worse. The "New Deal" long ago became the "Same Old Deal." Barack Obama is no messiah; he personifies the "Same Old Deal." The GOP has been absorbed by the "Same Old Deal." We do not have to settle for the mental and physical slavery offered by the "Same Old Deal." "Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off even at the risk of reigns of terror." - Herbert Spencer

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].