
The real power is in the people. We MUST start acting like it, rise to our feet, stand tall, and meet our responsibility and duty

I want my country back

Since the beginning of recorded history, we have read about and learned of the struggle of man's desire to be free, to live his life as he wishes (without harming others), to pursue his own happiness, free from government control of his life, free from others who think they know best about how he should live. I believe that struggle can properly be addressed as a war.
A war between those people desiring to be independently free and the people who want to force them into the bondage of Socialism, a war between freedom and slavery, if you will. That war has raged from Cain killing Abel to the present day and It will never end. Why? Because there will always be men (or women) trying to bend others to their will, to place them in slavery for their own gain. In a Socialist nation, the government leaders prosper while all others share in the misery. It will be taken from those who "can" and "do" and have earned much, and given to those who could but "won't" and "don't" and have earned little or nothing, resulting in all having little or nothing, a sharing of the misery. The natural human incentive to be competitively ambitious and prosper will die in all people. That is precisely what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's "redistribution of wealth" is intended to promote, the destruction of the people's spirit with all sharing the misery, thus the Socialist leaders remain fat and in power. Most wars, The American Revolution, the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and others, are tragic examples of men willing to die by the hundreds of thousands to remain free from those who would make them slaves. As was true in these wars, and in all wars, battles are won and battles are lost.
The government run Health Care Bill, we have come to know as, Obamacare, was a battle in which the forces of individual freedom lost to the forces of Socialist slavery. We must keep in mind, this is a war and battles are won and lost. This is not the end. There will be many more battles, and we must continue the fight. I believe Obamacare can still, and must, be repealed. I believe many of his Executive Orders can be overturned, but it will not be easy. In order to do it, we must erase Barack Obama's Socialistic impact and atmosphere and influence in our White House in 2016, and replace it with a Conservative Constitutional president. If Obama is replaced with another Socialist, only with a different name or gender, and a bill comes to him or her, it will be vetoed. As I just said, this will not be easy but it can be done. Do not lose hope. We must not lose faith in ourselves. I believe Obama and his administration full of Socialist Advisers and Czars have lost the high ground in the battle for the hearts of the American people. I believe the American people are now understanding Obama's intentions have been, and still are, to Socialize this country and make us slaves to a Socialist government. This message must be spread across the nation. If you like Obama's disregard and ignoring of our Constitution and his Socialist policies, then replace him in 2016 with someone like minded . If you do understand and don't like what is happening then we must hire a president in 2016 who will repair the damage that Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have done. This is crucial. I believe the votes are out there to make these crucial changes. We just need everyone to come alive, to work and vote. Americans must be educated about the destruction that this country is facing. I still have faith that the majority of Americans are intelligent enough to realize the mistake which was made in electing this man as our president and will vote 2016 to erase his destructive actions and influence. If I am right, there will be a chance that individual freedom can and will be restored. If I am wrong, I fear it will be gone from our lives forever. Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is not the person to replace him with. She will be nothing more than a continuation of the same. As one person stated, "Hillary is Obama in a pantsuit." We have all witnessed this war reaching epic proportions in the United States with Barack Obama leading the Socialist Army to enslave you and me to the Federal government. Make no mistake about it, Hillary Clinton and her socialist followers, allies, and backers fully intend to, and WILL, continue Barack Obama's efforts to turn the United States of America into the Socialist States of America unless we can stop it 2016. The United States Constitution will become nothing more than a tiny heap of shredded paper if we fail to do so. Never doubt, we can become slaves to the government as well as a plantation owner. As I have quoted before, "if we must die, let us stand tall and die on our feet fighting, and not on our knees in subjugation." We must rededicate ourselves to the proposition that this is a country of Individual Freedom and a Free Market Enterprise, and be devoted to our Representative Constitutional Republic, and strengthen our resolve to keep it by winning this battle for the hearts and minds of men and women all across this nation against Socialism. We MUST hang on to our way of life and our Constitutional Republic with every fabric of our being. We MUST return to the limited powers of government according to the United States Constitution. We MUST continue to resist those who want the government to become our master and we the slaves if we are to remain free individuals, making our own decisions and being responsible for ourselves. Our founding fathers won their battles and extended freedom to us. It is now our responsibility to keep it. Please, please, be reminded that we are the caretakers of our own freedom. The real power is in the people. We MUST start acting like it, rise to our feet, stand tall, and meet our responsibility and duty. Thank you and May God bless you and your families and our nation.

John Porter -- Bio and Archives

John Porter is simply a self-described “common,” Individual Freedom loving American citizen, like so many other American patriots, the salt of the earth.  Married to his childhood sweetheart for 55 years, born of the Great Depression and having lived the American Dream, Mr. Porter is a soldier fighting against the Socialist Army that seeks the Total Transformation of America.