
Americans are hungry for the truth. Six years of steady misinformation, cover-ups, scandals, lawless actions, outright lies—people need a dose of truth

How Fox News Chooses You

You grab the TV controller and settle in for a quick look at the “news”. You gravitate to the national news presentation that most fits your political leanings. Since a large majority of America is conservative, most settle on FOX. That is unless you feel like you need a break from reality and decide to have a few chuckles. Then you move on to MSNBC—but hurry before it fully implodes.
The alphabet networks have always had left leaning producers, writers, and hosts. The reason is that most “journalists” have been indoctrinated by liberal schools of journalism run by relics of the 60’s. So after years of advocacy for liberal causes, the news business has been seeded with a leftist ideology full of political correctness, and intent on promoting socialism. All one has to do is read of the seniors at Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in Albuquerque who chose a communist-themed prom recently. You start to see how the news chooses you. But wait, if most of the country is conservative, why do most networks lean so far to the left? The answer is simple: the networks a product of years of leftist education and intent on being advocates of social change—change away from traditional American values that they view as archaic. Many so called news outlets are into the deep pockets of socialist billionaire George Soros. It was reported that he donated millions to ‘social justice organizations’ in Ferguson, Mo., and that seed money created the national focus (and perhaps recent shooting of two police officers) and continuing protests. An article in the Daily Mail (UK) traced the money to tax filings from Soros's private foundation. Several liberal groups and individuals apparently became paid operatives to stoke the flames.
Soros’ money influences many media outlets that lean so far to the left they sometimes tip over. Counter that influence of aiding anarchy with what the conservative Koch brothers are doing in places like San Antonio, TX. The LIBRE initiative, funded by Koch, has spent millions cultivating conservative and libertarian values and ideas through helpful services in the Hispanic community. So why is FOX consistently beating just about every leftist outlet? Let’s first be brutally honest and admit FOX isn’t a conservative news outlet. While their hosts for the most part are ‘fair and balanced’, they are in reality much better at highlighting both sides of any story and allowing the liberal guests enough rope to hang themselves in the process. Once you get by someone like Bill O’Reilly constantly talking over his guests and telling them why they are wrong, and you stomach Hannity’s obvious ‘trash all liberals’ staccato speeches, you realize that ultimately FOX gets it. They know that in spite of what all the J schools have been turning out for decades, America is still basically patriotic and longs for its leaders to accept her exceptionalism! Fox may give both sides of a story but in doing so rarely if ever parrots liberal ideology. Maybe that’s because liberalism is a failed idea. It produces a reliance on government and leads to policies that destroy family values and ignores basic principles of constitutional law. FOX understands its potential audience is massive and not fond of political correctness. So it programs its content to mirror what most Americans think and feel. Some may argue that the country is evenly divided between left and right. But how then do you explain the dominance of conservative talk radio while liberal talk has been reduced to late night chats with abysmal ratings? How do you explain the broadcast networks that have lost millions of viewers, and the steady decline of influence and circulation of major newspapers such as the New York Times? There is still a vast and growing majority of Americans who are hungry for the truth. After listening to the past six years of steady misinformation, cover-ups, scandals, lawless actions, and outright lies of this administration—people need a dose of truth. FOX is the news that chooses you!

Dave Macy -- Bio and Archives

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.