
Mr. Khezri's brother has denied any knowledge of his execution this morning

Hossein Khezri an Iranian/Kurdish Political Prisoner may have been Executed this Morning-Iran

imageAccording to various reliable news sources, a prisoner was executed in the Orumiye Prison this morning. Although the name of this prisoner has not yet been confirmed various websites have reported that the person executed may very well be a Kurdish political activist and prisoner Mr. Hossein Khezri. There is still a question mark, as numerous news sources have reported in the past few weeks that Mr. Khezri had been removed from Orumiye Prison and taken to an "unknown" location. Mr. Khezri's brother has denied any knowledge of his execution this morning, and has stated that there is no news from his brother to confirm whether he is alive or has been executed.
This is yet another tragic news coming out of Iran, and although the identity of the individual is yet to be determined, it is confirmed that someone was executed this morning. I urge everyone to be cautious when reporting on today's execution and hold off on announcing that Hossein Khezri' has been executed until the news is actually confirmed by a reliable source such as Mr. Khezri's family or lawyer. I certainly hope that it is not true and will be keeping Mr. Khezri and his family in my thoughts today. I will post any new developments as I receive them. Down with the Islamic Regime in Iran Long Live Freedom in Iran

Sayeh Hassan -- Bio and Archives

Sayeh Hassan is a Toronto based Barrister & Solicitor and owner of Shiro-khorshid-forever.