
Meanwhile, the jury’s now in on the dangers to humanity from WEF-touted AI. Its very name tells the whole sorry story: AI coming at humanity in full speed is in reality—ARTIFICIAL—Intelligence.

Holding Fast To Your Sanity By Sticking To Reality

Judi McLeod image

By —— Bio and Archives May 23, 2023

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The darker it is getting in a now crazed upside down world, the more folk need to hold on for dear life to their God-given sanity.

Sanity was still there in the day when our grandfathers were humming along in their heads to the refrain of the epic song, “Take Me Out To the Ballgame’ while watching the Brooklyn Dodgers take on the New York Yankees, back in the day when the cry “Peanuts!” could be heard wherever fans sat cheering from the bleachers.

Now the ageless baseball ditty is being replaced by the full-throated screech of the anti-Catholic ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Nuns, cheered onto the field by the Dodgers June 16 Gay Pride Night.

The Los Angeles Dodgers, who at first backed off from the backlash of fans for their public endorsement of the ‘nuns’—in reality men dressed in drag—have re-invited them back to the baseball field.

“We have asked the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to take their place on the field at our 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16th. We are pleased to share that they have agreed to receive the gratitude of our collective communities for the lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades,” the organization said. ()

The “lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades”?

How come it was so invisible?

“In the weeks ahead, we will continue to work with our LGBTQ+ partners to better educate ourselves, find ways to strengthen the ties that bind and use our platform to support all of our fans who make up the diversity of the Dodgers family,” they said.(Catholic Vote, May 22, 2023)

One look at any picture of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence should give anyone clinging on to sanity, the heebie jeebies.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

The rise of the demented ‘nuns’ coincides with the WEFer push for the Great Reset and the corporatists push for what global elites and the media define as “Artificial Intelligence”.

Neither is beneficial to humanity in any way, Elon Musk.

"Elon Musk recently called for a six-month pause on AI research and development, warning that the technology could pose “risks to society.” Musk further warned that there is a chance AI “goes wrong and destroys humanity," calling AI a “double-edged sword,” due to the difficulty of predicting how the technology could develop on its own.” (Glenn Beck, May 19, 2023)

With horrors being thrown at society at the light of speed in these darkest of days, why just “a six-month pause” on AI? Why not bring it to a halt now with the intention of keeping it from coming humanity’s way NOW & FOREVER?

Surely Musk is not trying to keep in step with the evil pro-AI Bill Gates?

‘Bill Gates Rejects Call for AI Moratorium, Advocates for AI-Driven Societal Benefits’-(Breitbart, April 5, 2023)

“Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates recently rejected the idea that the development of AI should be slowed down and instead called for more of a focus on the opportunities and responsibilities that AI presents to society.
“Reuters reports that Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has expressed his disagreement with the recent call for a six-month moratorium on the creation of cutting-edge AI systems like OpenAI’s GPT-4. In an interview, Gates emphasized the significance of utilizing AI’s potential to advance society rather than slowing it down.
“I don’t think asking one particular group to pause [AI] solves the challenges,” Gates told Reuters. He added, “Clearly there’s huge benefits to these things… what we need to do is identify the tricky areas.”

“Massive unemployment, developing AI armies, a society in social and moral chaos. Maybe that's why Gates and his buddies want to reduce the world population by 80%. In the drive for robots to be human-like, they will eventually develop contempt for humans. Of course, Gates wants to keep pushing AI. He doesn't believe in God, but wants to live forever anyway. Gates wants to create the 'new-improved' human, merging computer technology with humanity. He's a lost soul. He wants to create his own immortality, be as God. Money hasn't made him any smarter or certainly wiser.”

While the Dodgers are giving men dressed as nuns a homerun, the wrapping is coming off AI.

“Last month, Glenn Beck covered a terrifying story involving a scammer who created an AI clone of a child's voice in order to scam money out of her terrified parents. While this might sound advanced, a quick Google search reveals that this technology is remarkably accessible and is easily able to replicate the voice of anyone. Imagine the havoc that could be inflicted on your life with an AI clone of your voice. (Glenn Beck, May 22, 2023)

“Like something out of Star Trek, a team of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin developed a new AI that is able to decode brain activity and produce a transcript of a person's thoughts with reasonable accuracy, all without the need for implants or other invasive measures. While the researchers assure us that the technology has major limitations, including the need to train this AI extensively on each subject's brain, it’s only a matter of time before the AI is able to overcome these limitations, and it may be sooner than we would like…

“In April the popular social media messaging app Snapchat released a controversial new feature known as “My AI”—an AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT. The new feature acts much like other chatbots. It can answer questions, converse with the user, and offer recommendations. However, unlike other chatbots, it is integrated in such a way that it can be difficult to distinguish from a human user, complete with a customizable avatar and name. Many parents are worried that the friendly appearance of “My AI” will make it hard for their teens to differentiate the bot from a real human. Moreover, the only way to remove the bot is by paying for Snapchat’s premium service, giving parents little recourse for protecting their children.
“Another disturbing development is the creation of “Dating AIs”—AI chatbots designed as a replacement for a boyfriend or girlfriend. There is already a variety of options available with prices ranging from free all the way up to $1 a minute, like some sort of dystopian "call girl." There are already reports of people developing genuine emotional attachments to these bots and others who have married or have tried to marry their artificial lovers.

"HALF of all AI researchers think there's a chance that the rapidly advancing technology could result in our extinction. AI researchers are already sounding the alarm bells concerning the fast and largely uncontrollable progression of AI advancement, often comparing the technology's impact to that of the atomic bomb—yet we aren't putting in the same degree of guard rails around THIS research as we did during the Manhattan project.

“It is no wonder why 61 percent of Americans think AI poses a real threat to human civilization, according to a poll recently published by Reuters and Ipsos. To put that in perspective, nearly two-thirds of ALL Americans think AI poses an existential threat. Only 22 percent of Americans are not threatened by AI, while the jury is still out with the remaining 17 percent."

Neither Elon Musk nor Bill Gates can save humanity from what the global elites have planned for it. Nor can any sane soul count on the media or any of its talking heads to STOP The MADNESS of a world gone mad.

Fervent prayer to the Almighty on our knees is the only way out. Start by Holding Fast To Your Sanity By Sticking To Reality.

Meanwhile, the jury’s now in on the dangers to humanity from WEF-touted AI. Its very name tells the whole sorry story: AI coming at humanity in full speed is in reality—ARTIFICIAL—Intelligence.

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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

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