
Let us apply the smell test to sexual harassment claims against Herman Cain

Herman Cain, the Democratic Party Crime Syndicate, and Sexual Harassment

One of the fascinating capabilities of the human brain is the ability to process multiple input modalities, giving the proprietor of the brain the ability to produce functional, reasonable, and accurate conclusions. The brain can integrate the sensory input of a given situation, previous observations by the brain's proprietor, factor in the previous outcomes from previous observations, then calculate the probability of the authenticity and credibility of a situation based on the brain's ability to produce a judicious and cogent conclusion based on the aggregate of input. When assessing the validity of something, this is referred to as the smell test; when using this process to make a decision, this is referred to as commonsense. This particular function has been successfully eliminated from the brains of liberals through selective breeding, DNA manipulation, and aggressive indoctrination.
Let us apply the smell test to sexual harassment claims against Herman Cain.

Why Now

Herman Cain has a very storied past pregnant with professional accomplishments spanning forty years. In chronological order, no one has claimed sexual harassment against Herman Cain starting with the Department of the Navy, Coca-Cola Company, Pillsbury, Burger King, Godfather's Pizza, or the Department of the Treasury. To believe his accusers, Cain would have started his sexual harassment pursuits in 1996, and ending in 1999, at the age of 41, only 3 years out of 42 years in business, and all the claims are conspicuously linked to the city of Chicago and Barack Obama. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.


Chicago: the headquarters of the Democratic Party Crime Syndicate and arguably the most corrupt city in America. Herman Cain is not from Chicago, nor has he ever lived in Chicago. All of Cain's accusers have ties to Chicago or the Obama administration--which was created in Chicago. Sheila O'Grady is from Chicago; David Axelrod is from Chicago; Barack Obama is from Chicago; his chief of staff William Daley is from Chicago; William Daley's father was the mayor of Chicago; his brother, Richard M. Daley, was the mayor of Chicago; and Obama's ex-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel--known as the Godfather--is currently Mayor of Chicago. The Illinois Restaurant Association is located in Chicago. Sheila O'Grady is David Axelrod's friend. Sheila O'Grady is the former chief of staff of former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and she is currently president of the Illinois Restaurant Association; the Illinois Restaurant Association has an extremely close working relationship with the National Restaurant Association where the sexual harassment settlements against Herman Cain are housed. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

The Attorney

Gloria Allred’s primary professional mission is to garner as much media attention as possible for herself. The timing of Gloria Allred's entering the Herman Cain fray with a client claiming Herman Cain was sexually inappropriate is no coincidence, and has the blueprint of a Chicago political hit that fits the historical modus operandi of David Axelrod. Two things happen when Gloria Allred takes a case: 1) Allred and her client are seeking publicity: Allred a continuation of hers, and her clients seeking to, in some manner, cash in on their 15 minutes of infamy. 2) Allred's clients’ credibility can be presumptively dismissed. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

Sharon Bialek Wants to Put a Face to the Charges

Sharon Bialek lives in Chicago. Chicago has a population of 2.7 million. Sharon Bialek lived at 505 North Lake Shore Drive. David Axelrod lived at 505 Lake Shore Drive. Same building. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Sharon Bialek felt compelled to speak publicly “on behalf of all women who are sexually harassed in the workforce but do not come out because of retaliation or public humiliation.” She was so "embarrassed" by what Cain did, she never went public with it. This overwhelming drive of being compelled to come forward only took fourteen short years to come to fruition, and remarkably she was not that compelled when Cain was just campaigning for president, but the overwhelming drive of being compelled only came after he surged ahead in the polls and became a viable candidate. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Reading awkwardly from a script at her press conference, Bialek's "embarrassment" was miraculously replaced with a giggling and giddy camera occupier, and appeared to be having a good time with the attention. Bialek bantered with reporters and said regarding her hair, "I just got it done.” In fact, Sharon Bialek's "embarrassment" was such a distant crippling shame, Allred already had Bialek scheduled for a talk show tour the following day with CNN, "Good Morning America" at ABC, "The Early Show" at CBS, and the "Today" show at NBC. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Sharon Bialek reached out to Herman Cain after being fired from the National Restaurant Association. She was summarily terminated for making false sexual harassment claims against her supervisor. She had a reputation as someone with a loathsome character at the National Restaurant Association, according to her coworkers. A few remarks from her coworkers regarding her character: “I remember her as a time-waster, and rabble-rouser...if she didn’t get her way she cried about sexual harassment...she was trouble with a capital...etc." Conclusion: Fails the smell test. During their investigation of Sharon Bialek, the New York Post interviewed some of her personal friends in Chicago:
She has a very infectious personality. It’s easy to see how she won Cain over. But the reality of her situation is -- she’s a complete gold digger. It’s all about the money. Adding that she was from a middle-income family but lives in a posh house while running from bill collectors, the source said: Most of her jobs ended in termination. It’s always the employer’s fault, not hers. This is a lady who lives off the system. She is hellbent on finding a way of never having to work and living the lifestyle she wants to live, a very affluent lifestyle.
A strange and bizarre non sequitur chain of events occurred prior to Cain's alleged assault on Bialek: Sharon Bialek made arrangements to meet Herman Cain in D.C., a man she met once, flew to Washington D.C., booked a room two blocks from the White House--which she states was upgraded to a suite by Cain--she and Cain then had drinks in the hotel lobby, they drove to dinner in his car, and it was after all this transpired, sometime during the dinner Cain was finally curious enough to ask her, "Why are you here?" Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Sharon Bialek's memory is unparalleled, and a contravention. Bialek seems to be afflicted with creditor dementia regarding anyone or entity with whom she owes money, but has an extraordinary memory regarding what she wore on a particular day fourteen years ago. She remembers that she wore a black pleated skirt, a suit jacket, and a blouse; she also remembers that Cain wore a suit with his shirt open. These are all secured in her extremely selective memory, but what is not secured in her memory is corroborating evidence that she even went to Washington D.C., stayed at a particular hotel, had drinks at a particular hotel bar, or dined at a particular restaurant. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Herman Cain was a speaker at a Tea Party gathering in Schaumburg, Illinois Sept. 30-Oct. 1. According to eyewitness, WIND radio co-host Amy Jacobson, who was there to get a photo with Cain, was bum-rushed by Bialek, who beat her to Cain. Jacobson stated that Bialek "cornered him" and was very "flirtatious," quite a contrast to the description of Bialek's confrontation of the man who allegedly sexually assaulted her. Bialek embraced Cain and whispered in his ear, and they talked for 2-3 minutes. But according to Bialek, she wanted to go there to "see if he was going to be man enough to own up to what he had done some fourteen years ago." She said she confronted him, and "I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me." Herman Cain denies ever knowing Bialek. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

The Legal and Credit

Sharon Bialek's past and present of dodging creditors, filing multiple bankruptcies, dodging taxes, and filing false sexual harassment claims is as contemptible as Herman Cain's is admirable. In the ample and overstuffed baggage from her past, Bialek can boast of current federal and state tax liens resulting from unpaid taxes, filing bankruptcy in 1991 and 2001--coincidentally the exact amount of time, ten years, between bankruptcies that the law allows--lawsuits attempting to collect back rent, myriad of credit card companies stiffed, attorney fees, a personal loan from then boyfriend William Conchita for the amount of $4500, eviction from her home by Broadacre Management for nonpayment of rent, and a paternity suit by the executive she claimed was the father of her son. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

Current Source of Income and Current Fiancé

According to Allred, Bialek has not had a job outside the home in about two years. Bialek, according to her and her fiancé, Mark Harwood, live very comfortably in a five bedroom suburban home. Harwood was in a "bit of shock" after hearing for the first time about the Cain allegations. Harwood denies Bialek has any current money problems and stated that he supports her financially so she can be a stay-at-home-mom for her thirteen-year-old-son. Even though an entire brigade of jilted creditors is in hot pursuit of Bialek for nonpayment, she has no money problems. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. To further diminish the nonexistent credibility of Bialek and Harwood, Mark Harwood wants to come clean and retract 100% of what he said. Bialek and Harwood were engaged last year, but are not currently, and Bialek, in fact, does not live with Harwood in the comfortable five bedroom suburban house. In his new revelation, he does not support her financially even though he stated he did so she could stay home in his five bedroom suburban home. As incredulous as this sounds, Harwood said, "I've never supported her financially in the four years that we were together." Even more incredulous than that, Harwood is unemployed, and according to court filings in his ongoing divorce, his ex-wife's attorney stated that Harwood is preparing to file for bankruptcy. Bialek was subpoenaed in the divorce case, but she was a no show for the deposition. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

The Other Public Accuser

Serial complaint filer Karen Kraushaar, currently employed in the Obama administration's Treasury Department, filed a sexual harassment complaint against Cain at the National Restaurant Association after Cain mentioned that Kraushaar was the same height as his wife. According to the attorney representing the National Restaurant Association, the remark about being the same height as his wife was the most serious claim that she made against him, "the one she was most upset about." The National Restaurant Association, along with the EEOC, found that Kraushaar's allegations were not credible, but in these instances, settling for a few thousand dollars is much cheaper than litigation. Three short years later, Kraushaar filed another claim against the Immigration and Naturalization Service for being exposed to a sexually oriented email and not being allowed to work from home. What she wanted for these debilitating and humiliating offenses was thousands of dollars in back pay, the reinstatement of the leave she used after a car accident, promotion, and a one-year fellowship to Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Conclusion: Fails the smell test.

Gloria Allred's Last Gasp for Relevancy

Who brokered the union between a broke and bankrupt Sharon Bialek and the ambulance chasing, attention seeking, face for tort reform Gloria Allred? This is a very interesting question considering there could never be any impropriety with the connection between Allred and her intimate connections to the Democratic Party Crime Syndicate. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Allred's hopes of orchestrating a concert with the ensemble of Herman Cain's knavish accusers together upon one stage, reminiscing on camera about the old days of being sexual harassed by Cain, with myriad media outlets capturing her genius and splendor, seems to have died a sudden death; the fatal malady being the surfacing of the accusers’ questionable motives and their unscrupulous histories of employing these questionable motives. But Allred attempted one last Hail Mary via Jay Zimmerman. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Allred, in a dramatic change of venue, which mirrors her faith in this caper, held a news conference at the Holiday Inn in Shreveport, Louisiana with Jay Zimmerman, in stark contrast to her news conference with Bialek at the New York Friar's Club. Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Bear in mind, this is not the ex-fiancé from whom Bialek stole $4500. Zimmerman lost a lawsuit to Stratford Medical Center, but before judgment was entered, he sold his assets from Stratford Pediatric to Central DuPage Hospital for $333,333. Zimmerman promptly lost all the money gambling. Zimmerman then joined the Bankruptcy club with Bialek. But he made two statements that could quite possibly be the smoking gun: obviously coached by Allred, Zuckerman could not possibly be lying, as he stated that he is a registered Republican. He also stated, and Allred is presenting this as irrefutable proof that Herman Cain must have committed some type of sexual malfeasance against her client Bialek, that he and Bialek did indeed meet Herman Cain fourteen years ago at a function. Allred is working with a bag of nothing at this juncture, other than showcasing a short meet and greet fourteen years ago between Cain and Bialek, and that Zimmerman, the bankrupt thief, is a Republican. Cain says he does not remember Bialek, but what high-profile person who literally meets thousands of people a year would remember some off-chance greeting fourteen years ago unless a measurable impression was made? Conclusion: Fails the smell test. Sexual harassment is an extremely serious issue, and should be dealt with expeditiously and with the full force of available law. But the tragedy with serial sexual complaint filers such as Gloria Allred, Sharon Bialek, and Karen Kraushaar, who use sexual harassment as a secondary source of income and fame, is when something such as this is in the headlines, the first impression is a roll of the eyes, and an instant dismissal unless irrefutable and substantiated facts are presented. The real victims are the women who are actually subjected to sexual harassment, and have to first scale this dunghill of doubt that the likes of Allred et al. have forced real victims to overcome before proceeding with justice.

Jim Byrd -- Bio and Archives

Jim Byrd is a conservative writer of constitutional law and politics, with a couple of political satires thrown in per month. Jim generally challenges constitutional law articles that are misleading or just completely wrong.