
Millions in restitution finally paid to beating victim

Henry v. Rizzolo - Case Closed

LAS VEGAS - In a case that's dragged on since September 20, 2001, when Kansas tourist Kirk Henry disputed a padded bar tab and had his neck broken by a manager of the then-Crazy Horse Too strip club in Vegas, justice has finally prevailed.
Never in this city's history have so many high level politicians, judges, and DA's, stepped in to protect a goose that once laid golden eggs, especially around election time. Had it not been for Mr. Henry's excellent choice of bull dog attorneys Don Campbell and Stan Hunterton, his story would never have been told, the strip club and its shady proprietor would still be in business, and the names of several crooked politicians and judges that fought to keep it open would never have been revealed. On August 1, 2013, U.S. Judge Philip Pro put his signature on the closing pages of this story when he ordered Dismissal with Prejudice of this ad nauseam case (below), and through his Order signified that Henry had received all or most of the $10 million dollars in court ordered restitution that former Crazy Horse Too owner Rick Rizzolo agreed in his 2006 plea bargain to pay in exchange for a shortened prison sentence. More...

Steve Miller -- Bio and Archives

Steve Miller, is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the “Most Effective Public Official” in Southern Nevada. Miller writes internationally syndicated columns on organized crime and political corruption for Rick Porrello’s AmericanMafia.com.

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