
They will, once again, fail. So, enjoy not watching their tantrum. I know I will.

Having successfully defeated Trump, celebrities ‘joining forces’ to stop Kavanaugh

Having successfully defeated Trump, celebrities ‘joining forces’ to stop Kavanaugh If there’s one thing we learned from the 2016 election, it’s that Hollywood does not have its finger on the pulse of middle America. Entertainers decided that it was their job as super-important famous people to tell you what you think, and to make sure you voted the way they wanted you to vote. They funneled millions of dollars into a whole host of videos, demonstrations, print ads, and ‘get out the vote’ efforts – all of which failed in spectacular fashion.
In fact, I’d argue it ended up having the opposite of the intended effect. People have had enough of their supposed superiors telling them what to do and how to feel. Tinseltown’s high-pressure sales methods actually drove people away from their cause and energized their opponents. So, of course, they’re about to do it all over again. This time they’re targeting Brett Kavanaugh. I’d like to be clear that don’t like the old “definition of insanity” saw. It’s overused, hackneyed, and played out. However, a host of your least-favorite entertainers are making it really hard for me to avoid using it today:
Whoopi Goldberg, John Legend, Lena Dunham and other celebrities are joining forces to protest Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday. Organizers say the main #CANCELKAVANAUGH Protest will be held outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol on Oct. 4 at 12:30 EDT. “We anticipate a vote on the Senate floor to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as early as Friday,” the group’s organizer, Party Majority PAC, wrote on the event’s website. “It is critical we make our voices heard on the ground in Washington on Thursday.”
The website continues: “If there was ever a moment when the voice of the people can come together in concert to change the fate of our nation, this is it. Arm in arm, organized and ready, every child, woman, and man, must take to the streets to protest this nomination.” Other musicians, actors and activists scheduled to participate include Erykah Badu, Maggie Gyllenhaal and husband Peter Sarsgaard, Norman Lear and Michael Stipe, among others. Don’t look for them all to be in D.C., though. According to the site, “We will not all be in DC but ask you to walk out wherever you are.”
Prediction: The histrionics will, once again, be over the top. An unseemly group of millionaires who’ve bought their own hype will, once again, overplay their hand. They will, once again, scream, cry, swear, rage, and meltdown as they flail about in a sea of hyperbole. They will, once again, fail. So, enjoy not watching their tantrum. I know I will.

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