
No man has ever suffered more insults than Trump from the Democrat fanatics


I walk the entitled streets of liberal Brooklyn looking for values on the stoops and morals in the trees. But there are none. I would shoot a squirrel just to seem mean. Brooklyn is a face that fell out of the sixties and landed on the curbs in baggy pants and high undershorts. The hippies have gotten rid of their bell bottoms.
Brooklyn is a fist without a punch and a willingness to walk backwards into another country’s strength. This morning I was saved from the weakness of Brooklyn. America was returned to me by Donald Trump. His win turned greatness into a reality and sanctions of bad behavior into iron bars. When I was in prison, I hated the liberals who wanted to lighten up our sentences. No man has ever suffered more insults than Trump from the Democrat fanatics. We used to have to worry about the bikers down south in Easy Rider. Now we must worry about Ivy League socialists. They forgive jihadists and don’t call them radicals because that’s the thing that self-destructive people do.

David Lawrence -- Bio and Archives

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.