
Holiday wishes from Ridin' out the Recession

Happy New Year to all

Good morning guys, and welcome back to Ridin Out the Recession! Well, I don’t know about the rest of ya’ll, but dad-gum, I sure can’t believe another year has bout come…and gone! Isn’t it crazy how fast time goes by anymore?? It just clicks right by, doesn’t it?
I guess the only thing I can attribute this to is age?? Ole Deb keeps getting older, and the dern years have started runnin by us like water off a duck’s back. Let us take a minute this morning to tell you guys how much your friendship, comments, tips, concern, and prayers have meant to us. When we started this, we really weren’t sure what to expect. But in just a short period of time, we realized that regardless of the shape of our Country, and about the only news we see on just about any broadcast isn’t good, you guys stepped up and shown Deb and I both, that there is still a tremendous amount of people out there that are truly good and caring!
We just can’t say thank you enough. Ya’ll have truly been a blessing that came into our lives! We were astounded by you guys reaching out to us and sharing your own lives with us. To be honest, there’s been days where we weren’t quite “up to snuff,” and I swear, that would be the days we’d receive an e-mail, or comment from ya’ll that just inspired us both! Thanks again! Now, to all of you, we’d like you to know that Deb and I would like to wish everyone of you a very Happy New Years, and may 2012 be the best year any of you have ever experienced! Also, we wish you all the very best in all things! May God be with you! Now, I know you are busy, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. Here’s 3 videos we did and we’d like to share them with you… The first, we were sitting on our porch and a doe came up and was eatin by the pond. How blessed we are to live where we see things such as this. More...

Dub and Deb -- Bio and Archives

‘Ridin Out The Recession With Dub and Deb in “Miz Judi’s Kitchen’!

Note to Readers: There are a few things that Dub doesn’t know but one thing he does know is that the word ‘Riding’ (as in Riding Out the Recession) is spelled with a ‘g’ at the end.  But Dub not only walks the walk, but speaks like he is: down home, true blue, and plain speakin’ country folk.

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!