
Jihadists still consider NY to be of strategic value as a target

Ground-zero Mosque conceals Cultural Jihad and Terrorism Plan

The ground zero mosque will serve as a source of future terrorism against New York by bringing the radicals’ “cultural jihad” activities to fruition. If a strong homeland security policy does not exist to end cultural jihad, more schemes like the ground zero mosque will arise. They will end with more terrorism and an Islamo- fascist takeover of America.
Cultural jihad is the nonviolent but corrupt way to infiltrate free nations with Sharia Law. Cultural jihadists—like those wanting the mosque built—will infiltrate the religious, legal, educational and other sectors of society. Cultural jihad requires them to do so by manipulating Americans’ concern for religious tolerance and individual rights. Cultural jihad is also the radical Muslims’ attempt to foster a twisted ideological climate that can create future terrorism. So, even if a strong US foreign policy can defeat terrorists internationally (and thereby cut-off global support to/from America’s terror cells), terrorism would still continue on a local scale. The radicals’ terrorist-breeding climate is being created through two tactics. The first involves getting high-schools to use textbooks that “teach” whitewashed versions of Islam to students. Some classes even require students to repeat the words one recites when becoming a Muslim. This tactic’s motive is to make a younger generation become susceptible to recruitment for terrorist activities. The second tactic is terror supporters’ public touting of Sharia Law as “consistent” with the Declaration of Independence. That lie can persuade law-makers and politicians to incorporate Sharia Law into our system. To strengthen their current terror activities, radical Islamists have also given “advice” to certain law enforcement communities about arresting and investigating Muslim suspects. This prevents cops from doing their jobs properly and benefits the terrorists. Cultural Jihadists have also been using seemingly legitimate mosques to fund their terrorism. If built, the “ground zero” mosque will be ripe for such use. For an example of mosques funding terrorism visit, Floridasecuritycouncil.org/ . Interestingly, the sponsor for the ground zero mosque’s construction is Imam Feisal Rauf, who openly advocates Sharia Law in American society. As mentioned earlier, a ground-zero mosque will help bring these cultural jihad activities to completion. That is because a ground-zero mosque will compound funding for terrorism with being a front for another 9/11 attack against NY. Here’s why: Jihadists still consider NY to be of strategic value as a target. This was why terrorists attacked the WTC towers during the early 90s and during 9/11, seeing them as symbols of American “imperialism” and freedom. Further, the ground zero mosque represents a symbol of conquest over the slain 9/11 victims and is therefore inspiring to terrorists. Plus, the new mosque will be located in NY. Inspiration and location provide motivation and ease for terrorists to work against another section of NY. Like with Israel, terrorists usually allow for enough time between strikes to allow civilians to return to complacency. Hence, the ground zero mosque’s construction must be prevented in order to protect Americans from the next “9/11.” Such a prevention will also honor former 9/11 victims and their families. But prevention is still not doing enough. In addition to stopping the construction of the mosque, we must devise a long-term Homeland Security policy that can defeat all attempts at cultural jihad. Otherwise, more attempts—like the mosque proposal—will be made by cultural jihadists to corrupt and destroy our society. A homeland security policy must be guided by the fact that constitutional rights are limited by other rights. For example, Muslims have the right of religious freedom but they don’t have a right to dishonor 9/11 victims, support cultural jihad and a future terrorist plot (as by building a ground zero mosque). Your right to religious freedom ends where another person’s right to life begins…..or where another’s right to have his dead family respected starts. Further, a homeland security policy must be vigilant about jihadists’ hiding their Islamo-fascist ideology behind advocacy of “constitutional rights” and “cultural diversity”. Investigations must be conducted into the extremists’ cultural jihad, modus operandi, and their possible application to Islamists’ proposals. That will reveal if an advocate of a mosque, advice to law enforcement, etc. is actually a danger to our safety and immunity to Sharia Law. Finally, an effective homeland security policy must also be backed by a long-term foreign policy that can aggressively thwart terrorists and their dictatorial supporters, internationally. That will cut off global support for terrorist cells in America. Meanwhile, a homeland security policy can fight localized terrorism and thwart cultural jihad.

George Koukeas -- Bio and Archives

George Koukeas is a freelance writer focusing on political news and commentary and has been published in newspapers, magazines and websites.