
If you think that you matter one iota -- think again

Government treating people like subjects, not partners

How dare our President call Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, data gathering on everybody and meddling in the media reporting business "phony scandals"? How dare he down play the concern of the American people- on both sides of the aisle. How dare he diminish the loss of life and liberty.
These are not, as the President says, "distractions". These are disgusting escapades and blatant lies. We should not allow the rhetoric he is using to dismiss us. This is our country -- ours, not his. The concerns of the people should be the concern of our leaders. They are not. Our concerns mean nothing to our government. Our struggles don't compute. Our sleepless nights could matter less to our representatives. And if, by some quirk, you think that you matter one iota -- think again. Those receiving the generosity of the government are expected to return the favor. You are bought and paid for by a government intent on achieving their objectives by treating the people as subjects, not partners. Bill Hamilton North Port

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