
ObamaCare to Benghazi, from government-sponsored gun-running operations, to petty, vindictive government shutdowns and outright bureaucratic lies Dems have backed Obama

GOP Should Not be Part of Democrat Hypocrisy

In “The Godfather, Part II,” mafia boss Michael Corleone tells a corrupt politician, “We are both part of the same hypocrisy, senator.” Similarly, the same may now be said of Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Let me qualify that opinion by stating that while there still remain a few Republicans whom I would support, there are no Democrats for whom I would ever again cast a vote.
From ObamaCare to Benghazi, from government-sponsored gun-running operations to 13-figure deficits as far as the eye can see, from petty, vindictive government shutdowns to outright bureaucratic lies about everything on their president’s agenda, congressional Democrats have thus far supported Barack Obama in his stated quest to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” As radical leftist turned conservative David Horowitz pointed out in a recent speech to the Heritage Foundation, “The Communist Party is the Democratic Party.” Horowitz should know. His parents were committed Soviet-style communists. He was raised to believe in the principles of hardcore, tyrannical collectivism. In the 1960s, he was at the center of what was dubbed the New Left and was a cofounder of the radical Ramparts magazine.
“My parents called themselves progressives,” Horowitz told his audience at Heritage. “The agenda was a Soviet America. The slogan of the Communist Party in those days was ‘Peace, jobs, democracy.’ Sound familiar?” Horowitz identifies the nature of “single-payer” health care (which, make no mistake, is exactly where today’s Democrats want to take us): “It is communism,” he says. “We are within reach of a totalitarian state in this country,” Horowitz told the Heritage crowd. “These are very, very dark days for this country. (However) there’s been an earthquake on the conservative side since I switched sides. The Tea Party is the earthquake. The best thing that Republicans can do is stop the fratricide.” A handful of frightened, red-state Democrats are attempting to “fix” ObamaCare by introducing legislation to force the insurance industry to reinstate health policies canceled as a result of the law itself. Meanwhile, Obama himself seems to think he has the authority to simply declare this “fix” to be law, as evidenced by his proclamations from on high at his latest so-called press conference. But then, why wouldn’t he think such a thing? ObamaCare is so riddled with loopholes — “the secretary shall decide this” and “the secretary shall determine that” — that it has become a club with which he can now bludgeon the American people. Additionally, no one has stopped him from committing any of his other unconstitutional — dare I say criminal? — acts over the last five years, so why should we believe anyone will do so now? Looking past the problems already being encountered by millions of Americans who buy their own insurance in the private market and are having their policies annulled because of the new law — those mere five percent the president and his cronies keep dismissing as “insignificant” — what happens when the employer-based plans are deemed “sub-par” by these tyrants next year? The reality is that just as you cannot “fix” a sandwich made with rotting, #-infested meat by dumping more condiments on it, no amount of tweaking the law or delaying the mandates will make this scheme palatable. This stinking piece of legislative garbage needs to be tossed into the trash bin and hauled to the federal landfill ASAP, and the only way to do it is by defunding it and/or repealing it. Turns out Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio were right all along. Imagine that. What remains to be seen is whether congressional Republicans will fight to stop the ObamaCare nightmare from becoming a full-blown national calamity by defunding the entire program — as the Constitution clearly authorizes them to do — or whether they will join the effort to “fix” that rotting sandwich. With RINOs like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others attacking their senate colleagues and other Tea Party Americans with derisive and petty name-calling, I’m not holding my breath waiting for the GOP to stand together in defense of liberty. Like the cold-hearted Michael Corleone — who also committed fratricide — McCain and company seem content to be part of the same hypocrisy that now permeates and taints the Democrats/Communists in the White House and the U.S. Senate.

Doug Patton -- Bio and Archives

(Editor’s note: Doug Patton passed away on February 27, 2014. He will be greatly missed.)

RIP Doug Patton – beloved husband, father and columnist

Doug Patton was s a freelance columnist who has served as a political speechwriter and policy advisor to conservative candidates, elected officials and public policy organizations.