
Anyone who thinks Global Warming is about the environment is deluding themselves

Global Warming – 97% of Scientist, Consensus Myth

We are repeatedly told “97 percent of climate scientists agree” that human activities are causing dangerous climate change. Dozens of studies have debunked this bogus assertion, yet the Global Warmists continue grasping to their fanciful 97% hoax.
It’s easy to create deceptive outcomes by prearranging questions to suit the answers you want to hear. It’s done all the time. Consensus is a function of politics, not a basis of truth in science. The essence of science is to be questioned/challenged and science is never settled. Even prominent “alarmists” in the climate change debate admit there is no consensus. There is no survey or study that supports the claim of a scientific consensus that global warming is both man made and a problem but there is ample evidence to the contrary. It’s an obvious forgone conclusion that if you ask a climate scientist who is reliant on producing alarmist reports for his paycheck, that he will vote for climate change to prolong his funding/job. Most of the chosen participants in the 97% sham surveys were precisely in this category. What answer would you expect if you asked:
  • A Lawyer if courts and legal fees are necessary.
  • Public workers if their union should advocate to protect their jobs.
  • A car salesman if he believes in commissions and that cars are good.
On the skeptic realist side, there is a huge ‘Petition Project’ that does not believe global warming is a problem. Signed by over 31,000 scientists, 9,000 with PhD’s. Anyone who thinks Global Warming is about the environment is deluding themselves. Things haven’t changed since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, designed to redistribute taxdollars via carbon-taxes from the so called wealthy nations to the undeveloped ones. It’s the same plan today. We cant even take care of our homeless yet we are supposed to fund the ‘exempted countries’ so they can burn the coal that we are forbidden to? Most of those underdeveloped countries are politically unstable dictatorships that will use our money to buy arms and make war with their neighbours. There is no scientific consensus.

Roland Seguin -- Bio and Archives

Roland resides on the West Coast of Canada adjacent to the US border.  As a senior taxpayer, he has taken to writing to express his frustrations of government waste, mismanagement, overspending, and other BS extremes. Now a retired grandpa, active with his family and rural lifestyle, he spent his career years as an Architectural Designer, Carpenter and Building Inspector. He promotes good but reasonable environmental practices.