
Obama's goal" Destruction aimed at our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, property ownership rights, and the Rule of Law

Global Governance: Pushing the Normal

Bill Gertz, a preeminent writer on matters of national intelligence, reported the following in the Washington Free Beacon on November 29, 2012, in his article Free Internet Under Fire:
"A Russian government proposal to amend a U.N. treaty at a meeting of the world body’s World Conference on International Telecommunications in Dubai next week contains a provision that calls for bringing 'IP-based networks' under U.N. control. The U.N. treaty, called the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITR), is currently limited to regulating international telecommunications services. The Russian proposal to amend the treaty has the support of other non-democratic states such as China and Iran. A copy of the Russian proposal was made public on Nov. 13. It states that 'the [proposed] additions to the ITRs … are aimed at formulating an approach that views the Internet as a global physical telecommunications infrastructure, and also as a part of the national telecommunications infrastructure of each Member State,' according to Cnet news."
A United Nations treaty for global internet control? This probably doesn't qualify as a startling development to news observers, since King Barry singed an executive order in July of 2012 that outlines emergency policies for federal control of the Internet. None-the-less, how peculiar; is it a case of run-away imagination, or is there an on-going and discreetly overarching push that would appear designed to eventually bring every element of free and open societies and their nation-states under U.N. control? Global control of firearms through mandatory registration and interlinked world-wide databases per the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) controlling navigation, fishing, oil drilling, and all other actions on the high seas more than 200 miles off-shore, along with other efforts to funnel distribution of food and energy - and yes, even the distribution of wealth - are now considered by interested parties within the purvey of U.N. "authority" as the never-ending quest for "social justice" continues: stamp of global Progressive Marxism at its finest. Why? Informed readers certainly know the answer. The Progressive Marxist goal is always one of control, because without absolute control there can not exist a One World Government functioning unimpeded within a New World Order. Mark Levin was spot on during one of his recent programs (11/29/12) - as usual - when he had Dick Morris on the air to discuss his new book Here Come the Black Helicopters!: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom. Mr. Morris was initially sheepish in opening remarks promoting his conspiracy-rich book, reflecting the understanding that many people still have knee-jerk reactions of derision to a mere mention of the increasingly relevant word "conspiracy." It's as if some individuals find it justifiable to reject a long and verifiable history of tyranny throughout the world in their efforts to deny on-going foreign quests for global domination. One wonders if such thinking could ever grasp the intent of communism. How blind must one be to refuse acknowledgement that the beautiful blue orb being gravitationally held in alignment as it hurtles through the vacuum of space has a past filled with tyranny and all the misery that accompanies it. Liberty has been the rare exception rather than the general rule over man's brief course of time on the earth; at no place within man's history has liberty existed as it once did in the United States of America. Mr. Levin pointed out that - five years ago - if anyone had sought to pique his interest in a subject related to "conspiracy" he would have rolled his eyes and tuned them out, but such is far from the case today; that with the preponderance of hard evidence to support what is - in fact - taking place globally, nothing is off the table for consideration so far as implementation - being done as secretly as is possible - of a New World Order where the United Nations pulls the strings of global government. The "climate change" hoax is one effective method of gaining the global political leverage - and thus power - to implement the New World Order agenda by controlling human behavior. Emotional manipulation through repetitive indoctrination provides the conditional foundation for establishing guilt and fear; two powerful stimuli and reliable motivators once people have been trained to accept even the most fraudulent of premises. Our distracted, dumbed-down and narcissistic society succumbs ever more easily to the most basic tenants of mass persuasion through fundamental thought-conditioning methodology. Consider Agenda 21, another important push in the continuing efforts to affect "change" in the direction of global governance. The clever strategy for controlling population movement via land use restrictions derived from government zoning edicts issued by unelected liberally-biased bureaucratic officials is one tactic. Ever increasing purchases by government - or indirect seizure through loan defaults in a crippled economy - of land is yet another means of limiting options; the idea being to steer populations into centralized urban existences. The suffering on small privately owned farms - many handed down from one generation to the next - under continuous assault from an Environmental Protection Agency actively working to "restrict" them out of business is heart-rending. Exactly where in our U.S. Constitution is this tyrannical behavior allowed by our own government? Lest we forget about the unions, especially the public sector unions financed with taxpayer dollars; that's were the real power and wealth accrues. As Andy Stern - former president of SEIU and frequent visitor to the White House - has pointed out, "Workers of the World Unite" is no longer just a slogan. Matthew Vadum, writing in Front Page Magazine on October 21, 2011, revealed Mr. Stern's true intentions as well as his ideological roots:
"Andy Stern is one of the most outspoken, cocksure neo-communists of the American labor movement. 'We like to say: We use the power of persuasion first,' Stern said, channeling Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky. 'If it doesn’t work, we try the persuasion of power.'" "Stern quotes Karl Marx in television appearances. In 2007 the wannabe Bolshevik told Bill Moyers that his Service Employees International Union (SEIU) was expanding to Australia, Switzerland, England, South America, and Africa.
'We’ve been working with unions around the world. And what we’re working towards is building a global organization. Because "workers of the world unite," it’s not just a slogan anymore. It’s the way we’re going to have to do our work.'"
Unions are undoubtedly one of the most important keys to globalization. It's reasonable to think of thuggish union behavior as "The Chicago Way" manifesting itself globally. After all, Chicago is the de facto capital of our new "Ameritopia;" the one and same described and documented by Mark Levin in his book Ameritopia. Washington, D.C., is but bread and circuses; the orchestration and financing epicenter for Progressive Marxism is Chicago. Chicago is an ideological Progressive Marxist mother-lode; the wired and sewn-up territory of criminals, considered off-limits by most intrepid investigative journalists. The suspicious trail of corpses - former vassals with incriminating information - provides ample persuasion to tread lightly on Chicago turf, yet it's where any thorough investigator could perhaps ascertain "the real 'ugly' inside" Chicago's radiant exterior. Thanks to DW Ulsterman for helping bring truth to light about the frequently invisible and largely unknown modern underbelly of Chicago and its' radical left Progressive Marxist brain trust and power base. Without them, King Barry would never have gained his pinnacle of political influence, nor a second four year reign of destruction aimed at our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, property ownership rights, and the Rule of Law.

Sandy Stringfellow -- Bio and Archives

Sandy Stringfellow is a writer and musician with an interest in history, economics, and politics. A fifth generation Floridian, he was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida. From an early age he developed a fascination with music, eventually playing in a variety of local bands.

Sandy continued to write as he made his living in the fields of commercial carpentry and retail sales.  In 2001 one he established a home studio, where he records his songs. 

He is currently employed driving tractor/semi-trailer combinations around Florida.  Sandy can be reached on Facebook.