
Mayor Newsom has withdrawn his candidacy for the governor of California

Gavin Newsom “Treats” California, “Tricks” San Francisco!

It is not often that an announcement by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom means good news for the state of California.
Indeed, most news about Newsom involves unmitigated goofiness and stifling arrogance such as his decision to marry same-sex couples on the steps of City Hall based on his unilateral rendering of California law as unconstitutional when it comes to homosexual weddings Equally incredulous is Newsom’s role in shielding illegal alien felons from the federal government and deportation, said malfeasance leading to the death of San Francisco citizens. Or his reckless spending and liberal excesses which have left San Francisco finances in shambles. On and on it goes as Gavin Newsom is a liberal’s liberal, which means that common sense is never in play. However, breaking with tradition, Gavin Newsom has made news that is a genuine blessing to the state of California. As reported at sfgate.com, in part, Mayor Newsom has withdrawn his candidacy for the governor of California:
“Plagued by low poll numbers and anemic fundraising, and with a newborn daughter at home, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom dropped out of the governor's race on Friday ”Newsom became the first to announce his candidacy for governor earlier this year, using Twitter to break the news. His withdrawal leaves Democrats with Attorney General Jerry Brown as their likely nominee while three Republicans vie for their party's nomination in June ”Newsom, who famously broke state law when he married same-sex couples in 2004 and promoted the nation's first universal health care program, was sidelined for months from appearing much before the local press and coming up with the controversial initiatives he adores. “Donors and some advisers told him to temper the policy proposals that might not play well in conservative parts of California. For example, he recently floated the idea of a tax on sugary drinks, but hasn't submitted legislation - though he's likely to now.
The obvious downside to Newsom’s withdrawal is that the pugnacious lefty will have more time to devote to the further destruction of San Francisco. Still, the goons who live in The City elected this nut ball. For that, they deserve all the tricks this delusional man can dish out!

John Lillpop -- Bio and Archives

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals.  John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

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