
Obama, Nobel Laureates

Fraudulent Hopes and Horrible Changes

Sometimes I think that the bizarre presidency of Barack Hussein Obama cannot be adequately described by a written word. The improbable combination of incompetence, arrogance, socialist mindset, mendacity, narcissism, and outright disdain for America and American values makes it almost impossible to depict the Obama's rule using 26 letters of the English alphabet.
Thus, having failed in my literary attempts, I decided to turn to the visual media. What follows is Part 1 of a movie script that I have named:

Fraudulent Hopes and Horrible Changes

SOUNDS OF ORCHESTRA PERFORMING THE 9th SYMPHONY OF BEETHOVEN PLAZA IN FRONT OF THE STORTING (PARLIAMENT) OF NORWAY--DAY We move from the crowded plaza into the majestic building. Passing a number of magnificent halls, we find ourselves standing in front of a row of portraits. There is an inscription above the gallery of portraits:


The hall is crowded. Throngs of tourists walk slowly along the gallery. On the portraits, we see faces of the men and women who have won the most prestigious prize for advancing peace on our planet. As we move from one portrait to the next, the faces of Nobel Prize winners come to life, and they start speaking: HENRY DUNANT I'm Henry Dunant. I participated in establishing the Red Cross... WOODROW WILSON I'm Woodrow Wilson. I was one of the creators of the League of Nations... FRIDTJOF NANSEN I'm Fridtjof Nansen. I helped millions in Russia struggling against famine... THEODORE ROOSEVELT I'm Theodore Roosevelt. I mediated to end the Russo-Japanese war... MOTHER TERESA I'm Mother Teresa. I founded Missionaries of Charity in India... The pace of our movement accelerates, and the voices are now becoming a chorus of exclamations: "'I am... I am... I am..."' Suddenly, we stop in front of a portrait of the President of the United States BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. He flashes a smile at us. OBAMA I'm Barack Obama. I promised... (suddenly stops speaking) CHORUS OF VOICES Promised?! What have you promised? OBAMA I promised... (stops once again) Two technicians enter the hall, pushing a cart with two teleprompters. They stop in front of the Obama's portrait. Obama adjusts the left teleprompter. Screen of the left teleprompter shows the word "'HOPE"'. OBAMA ...I promised hope... CHORUS OF VOICES Ha-ha-ha! He promised hope! And for that he got a Nobel Prize! Ha-ha-ha... Screen of the right teleprompter shows the word "'CHANGE"'. OBAMA I promised hope and change! The laureates are laughing, some--almost hysterically. They wipe their eyes. They blow their noses. One by one, they climb down from the frames of their portraits, and leave the hall in disgust. YASSER ARAFAT, the 1994 Nobel Prize laureate, hops from the frame down to the floor, and walks to the Obama's portrait. Adjusts his checkered kaffiya and says: ARAFAT You know who I am, don't you? I'm Yasser Arafat al-Husseini, the 1994 Peace Prize winner and a famous freedom fighter, and I'll tell you this: take it easy, Barack. They are all anti-Muslim and anti-Black bigots here. Don't give a damn! You've pocketed the prize; so be happy. Allah Akbar! Adjusts an enormous pistol protruding from his belt, and leaves the hall, shoving unceremoniously the flabbergasted tourists and shouting "'Allah Akbar!"' Only two laureates are still sitting in their portrait frames--Theodore Roosevelt and Mother Teresa. Very slowly, Roosevelt climbs down, helps Mother Teresa to descend; and they both approach Obama's portrait. Roosevelt strokes his moustache. MOTHER TERESA (in soft voice; looking at Obama) And that's all, sonny? That's all you have accomplished? THEODORE ROOSEVELT A promise of hope and change, huh? Tell us please: what hope and what change!? Obama shrugs, and averts his eyes. SOUNDS OF MUSIC FADE Author's Notes: I realize that it would be difficult to find actors willing to participate in this part and following six parts of this movie, since Hollywood is full of Obama's lapdogs who would be reluctant to depict BHO in any role other than God. Still, I have some useful suggestions. For instance, I think that George Clooney would be good in the role of Obama. It would only be necessary to put a layer of dark paint upon his face, cut his hair, stretch his ears by a couple of inches, and teach him how to use a modern teleprompter. And that's all. Sean Penn, I'm sure, would be excellent as Yasser Arafat. Just inject some Botox into his trembling lips, let him grow a scruffy dirty beard, wrap his head in a checkered kaffiya, and shove an AK-47 into his hands--and here you have a magic transformation of pugnacious Sean Penn into a famous terrorist. And since the cadaver-like body of Angelina Jolie is truly famous, she could be extremely successful in the role of Mother Teresa, whose fragile frame is similar to the collection of bones and tendons known around the world as Angelina Jolie.

Alexander Levkovsky -- Bio and Archives

Alex Levkovsky was born in the former Soviet Union. Graduated from an Aircraft Institute, and worked as an aircraft engineer. Alex has written twenty-two scripts for scientific and documentary movies, out of which sixteen have been produced. Alex emigrated to Israel and the USA, where worked as an engineer.  Alex has lived and worked in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Israel, and America and has profound knowledge of political, economic, cultural, literary, and historical aspects of life in those countries. Served as a reservist in the Israeli Defense Force.