
Left controls mass media, public education, entertainment industry: Defend our Constitutional Republic from a hostile takeover by the collectivist social engineers of Soviet-Russian ancestry and their American collaborators

Flawed "Logic" That Only Youngster And Kids Can Accept

Flawed Logic That Only Youngster And Kids Can Accept The March for Gun Control (official name: "March for Our Lives") that took place on March 24, 2018, in Washington, DC, and elsewhere was an event that one can have some mixed feelings about. People's right to keep and bear arms (most importantly, guns) is arguably the most effective and practical instrument with which to prevent a pre-emption of our freedom and wealth. Any calls for "gun control" de facto place guns that we may use to defend our lives, liberty, and property, in the same category as pests and diseases, as the phrases "pest control" and "disease control" clearly indicate. This is particularly of concern under the circumstances of almost complete absence of calls for gang control, violence control, and dangerous individuals' control.

In the Soviet Union, youngsters were given an important role in building and defending socialism

There is nothing to cheer about high school students being drawn into politics. Although the majority of them will, eventually, grow up and adopt a more mature viewpoint on political matters than they are exhibiting now, the psychological damage done to their personalities by political indoctrination while in their formative years is likely to last and have negative impact on what the American society is going to be a few decades from now. It always puzzles me that using under-age actors in porn movies is a sternly punished crime, but using naive and trusting young as political pawns by their teachers is perfectly legal. I think, electing Liberal politicians to federal and state legislatures has a lot to do with it. But there is more to it that meets the eye. In the Soviet Union, youngsters were given an important role in building and defending socialism. They were the ones who, under systemic indoctrination by their teachers, accepted most uncritically all the lies and absurdities of the Soviet ideology. Organized in KomSoMol (Russian abbreviation of Communist Union of Youth), millions of young communist activists and agitators were always ready to march and recite the flawed ideological theses on behalf of their Dear Leader and the ruling communist "democratic" Party. The Party wouldn't have searched for its uncritical supporters among the young should there be enough devotees of the communist orthodoxy among the adult population. That was, perhaps, the only way to assure that the stream of new communist leaders never dried up, particularly when more intelligent and more experienced people started noticing the absurdities and economic dysfunction of Marxism-Leninism.

Trace the roots of the Schumers and the Feinsteins and you will see where their submissive collectivist ideas have originated from

Only kids and teenagers were, by and large, naive and inexperienced enough to accept all the Party dogmas as unquestionable truths, with blatant disregard to facts and logic, and to passionately argue against any dissent, however rational or factual such a dissent might be. Now, after millions of former Soviets and Russians immigrated to the U.S., directly and indirectly, we see a similar trend here. Politicized youth under control of formerly Soviet-Russian and now American Left are used as a "democratic" tool to subdue mature adult Americans to the emerging regime. Are you surprised? (I am not.) Trace the roots of the Schumers and the Feinsteins and you will see where their submissive collectivist ideas have originated from. Wikipedia seems like a good place to begin with. Then you may realize that a "transformation" that they are trying to impose on the U.S. now is strikingly similar to the one that their ancestors imposed on Russia in 1917 - a Bolshevik (Majoritarian, in Russian) Revolution. This is why the marchers for gun control are so quick to call for a revolution.

When Children Hogg The Limelight

We are past the time for discussions and debates. When the Left that controls mass media, public education, and entertainment industry, is readying for frontal attack on America and the majority of its citizens, we have to stand up and defend our Constitutional Republic from a hostile takeover by the collectivist social engineers of Soviet-Russian ancestry and their American collaborators. For otherwise, the Soviet-like system will complete its metastasis into the U.S. and bring our once great nation down.

Mark Andrew Dwyer -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Dwyer has been a continuing contributor to the Federal Observer. Mark Andrew Dwyer’s commentaries (updated frequently) can be found here. Send your comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).