
Municipalities respond: Building Canada was great, but long-term infrastructure plan for cities needed

Feds extend infrastructure deadline, industry applauds

"Municipalities, have been working hard to complete stimulus projects on time and indications are that the vast majority of projects will meet their original deadlines. The new deadline of October 31, 2011 is the extra construction season necessary to complete projects that are behind schedule.
We applaud the Federal Government for being open to the concept of extending the deadline and they have made good on our request.

Municipalities respond: Building Canada was great, but long-term infrastructure plan for cities needed

The federal government should make long-term plans to help cities pay for the replacement of aging roads, sewers and other infrastructure, says Federation of Canadian Municipalities Vice-Chair Berry Vrbanovic. “Let’s use these next three years and focus on developing a long-term infrastructure investment strategy for that post-2014 period when the Building Canada Fund is over,” Vrbanovic said.

It's not sexy, but it's time to talk infrastructure

The (Building Canada) program touched practically every corner of the country, and if a new community centre, water plant, bridge replacement or road reconstruction benefited, there was an Economic Action Plan sign there to remind taxpayers of their federal government's contribution. Yet despite this public display, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities estimates a $123-billion infrastructure deficit is still being shouldered by municipal governments.

Municipality spends six months locating watermain break

We tend to think watermain breaks are catastrophic and obvious, like this picture taken of a massive break near Montreal. But in fact, the opposite is true. Some municipalities can lose up to 50% of the water they pay to treat before it ever reaches a tap. In West Comox, BC, several residents there have been adamant in pointing out that just because you can't see the break, it doesn't mean its not there. image

Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout

Dr Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace International, has come out with a new book, and he's not holding back any punches. Moore takes square aim at the 'hypocrisy' of the modern environmental movement, saying they're more interested in fundraising, protests and activism than in causing meaningful change. We asked Dr. Moore about his opinion on the PVC/vinyl industry. Here's what he had to say. If you're interested in a copy of his book, pick up the phone and introduce yourself. I have a few extra copies laying around my office.

And on a final, lighter note...

I have to admit it - this isn't infrastructure related. But wow - it's cool. I work in the PVC pipe industry, and so on occasion, people send us links to interesting things people can do with our products. Never, ever, in a million years, would I even DREAM of something like this!

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