
Internal government statement circulated today that appears to finally close the door on a myriad of requests for cash for professional sports venues

Federal government rejects cash for sports venues. Bravo!

TORONTO: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) welcomed an internal government statement circulated today that appears to finally close the door on a myriad of requests for cash for professional sports venues, including a Quebec hockey arena and a domed CFL stadium in Regina. CTF Federal Director Kevin Gaudet said, “given the size of the deficit it was incredible the government even considered funding stadiums for rich athletes in the first place. We are pleased to see this funding request finally put to rest.”
Gaudet was responding to internal Conservative government talking points circulated today that stated, “The government has no program to fund professional sports facilities. And the government has decided against creating such a program. This decision will be applied consistently across the country.” When requests for federal taxpayer support came in for professional sports arenas late last year, the CTF launched a ‘What the Puck?’ campaign and petition that gained over 6,000 signatures in a short period of time. It called for the government to say no to such funding. Meanwhile the CTF has launched its federal debt clock debtclocktour.ca highlighting the federal government debt fueled by continued deficits. Gaudet concluded, “With the government borrowing $124.4 million a day, getting them to say ‘no’ to new funding requests is the first step. Next is getting them to roll back some spending.”

Kevin Gaudet -- Bio and Archives

Kevin Gaudet, is former the Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation