
Redistributing wealth

Fed Up!!!

There you are, you heard him say it.  Redistribution of wealth.  Hello!  That means TAKING from someone what is rightfully theirs and giving it to someone else.  I don't know about you, but we used to call that STEALING! On the campaign trail we heard Obama talking about building bridges, about not ruling with a majority of 50+1, we heard him speak of the merits of capitalism, and we have seen him do the exact opposite.  Again, for those of you medicated, dumb, or under 40, we used to call that LYING!
We have seen bills the American people did not want, rammed down our throats, and then when Congress found out they were included on the plan they scrambled to get off of it and on the platinum plans they had carved out for themselves.  This after they told us the health care bill was best for us-LIARS!  (see April 29-Government of the people, by the people, for the people) We were told that health care would save money, now we hear the CBO say no, in fact it will cost HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS.  Again, LIARS! (see April 28th-Health Care Reform, a month later) We have seen the government call illegals-legal and those that are here legally-racists.  Again, LIARS!  (see April 28th-Immigration Laws and Immigration Reform/  and The Hate Must Stop on April 19th) We have seen violent Leftist protests in Greece and at home.  We have seen Leftist talking heads imply Tea Party members of Terrorist acts, we have seen the Left use vulgar language and imagery while criticizing Tea Party Rallies.  Tea Parties?  Really?The most violent action of the Tea Party to date, has been to exercise their right to Freedom of Speech.  Again,  LIARS! (May 7th-NYC under attack from...Tea Party, Really? or Socialists...in their own words and Calling a duck a duck both on April 27th) We have seen Obama accuse Republicans of being in bed with Goldman Sachs, while he took three times as much from Goldman as the Republicans.  LIAR!  (Friday, April 23rd-Obama and Government Sachs)

Rise of Socialism, Social Engineering, Social Justice, Economic Justice, Eugenics and Fascism

We have seen the rise of Socialism, Social Engineering, Social Justice, Economic Justice, Eugenics and Fascism and been told it is good for us.  LIARS!  (Monday, April 12th-God or Government) We have been told by public officials that the Constitution doesn't matter and that Rights are granted by Government and not God.  LIARS! (April 7th-Words, they mean stuff) WTF people!?  Is there anybody out there?!  Is everyone so riddled with Prozac they can't get up out of their chair to see what is going on?  Are soccer moms so pre-occupied with Ritalin addled teenagers that they can't focus on anything other than themselves anymore?!  Has no one a comment?  Failure to exercise your rights results in your losing those rights.  Like a muscle not exercised it atrophies. WAKE UP!  This dream that we call America can vanish.  Look, if you have read this and other articles here and you don't care or, all of this sounds good to you.  Do the Democratic Republic a favor, either:  a) Leave-go to Europe, Canada, Mexico or some other nanny state where they don't believe in individual liberties or the principles of God given Rights. b)  Don't vote. Perhaps my tag line of "that's my opinion" although humble, is not enough.  Perhaps what we need is this:

Tom Greene -- Bio and Archives

Thomas Greene has a degree in Political Science from St. John’s University.  He believes in America, freedom and liberty, as described by the Founding Fathers, the free market and entrepreneurial spirit as it provides the best path to prosperity.