
We are watching our nation and our less resilient western civilization slip away

Evil, What Be Thy Name?

Evil, What Be Thy Name?
I’m not sure what the proper label is for the opposition party. I have been calling them progressives, but there is nothing progressive about what they want to do. In fact, if one examines their ideology—and that is what drives them—one finds that their agenda is about re-engineering society to meet some relative goal of “perfection.” Think about the climate change folks who really want all of us to live in cities, commute on rapid transit, eat no meat and die off if nature is not convenient. Think about the flat earth folks who want population control, so the pandemic was a blessing and if there is a way to kill off more of us, so much the better. Of course, when it comes to killing off people, fascists have a track record upon which they may strive to improve. Think about the planned parenthood organization that was established to eradicate “lesser races” from American society. Think about our education system that has been overtaken by demented, sick perverts who want to confuse our children about such things as gender and sex. They also want to shame our children into thinking that America is evil, racist and greedy. Yeah, that is why millions of people want to come here, legally or otherwise.

We are watching our nation and our less resilient western civilization slip away

The opposition seeks the perfection of man. Of course, that means they want to perfect man in their image. God has something to say about that, I think. We are not a society governed by man. We are a society blessed by God’s grace where “the government” has only the authority granted to it by God. That is why we are a nation of laws, not of men. I’ll come up with a name for the opposition—something we can all use. I’d call them Nazis, but that may be over the top. I could call them fascists, but then I’d have to explain to them what that meant. I could call them evil, but that really doesn’t capture the totality of their corruption. I guess calling them out is the best I can do for today. We know what we are up against, particularly when we have to fight them, the media, academia and our silent, complicit members of our side. What makes matters seem almost beyond solving is the deliberate ignorance of far too many of our fellow citizens. We are watching our nation and our less resilient western civilization slip away. We can continue to let it slide, or we can take up the figurative sword and buckler and fight back. Yes, that is what we will do.

Dr. Sam Clovis -- Bio and Archives

Samuel H. Clovis, Jr., Doctor of Public Administration
Liston to Sam on LATalkRadio, Sundays: 1:00 to 3:00 PM (PST)
(Impact With Sam Clovis)

Sam Clovis was raised in Kansas and attended the United States Air Force Academy, serving for 25 years on active duty as a fighter pilot.  He retired as a Colonel and the Inspector General of NORAD and the United States Space Command.

Sam served as a Fellow at the Homeland Security Institute, contributing in national preparedness and immigration policy.  He recently served as a tenured full professor of economics at Morningside College.

Sam has a BS from the Academy, an MBA from Golden Gate University and a doctorate from the University of Alabama.  He served as national co-chair and chief policy advisor for the Trump for President Campaign, was a policy director during the transition period and served as the Senior White House Advisor to the US Department of Agriculture.  He currently lives in rural Iowa.