
The Clowns that run the Golden State

Enough is enough in the Golden State. Vote NO for any tax increase

Two ballot measures face California voters this November. The State is AGAIN, short of funds so the Democrats in control, including Gov. Jerry Brown see the only answer is to raise the sales tax by ½ % and surcharge the income tax on the so-called wealthy. I hope you will vote NO on each of these November ballot issues. Enough is enough.
California sits atop the Union as one of the most notoriously tax-punitive States. Management of the State is out of control. Passing additional taxes will not solve the problem. Time and again, we have seen California does not have a revenue problem; it has a spending problem. California has a near $16 billion deficit this fiscal year. What could be clearer than the recently revealed California Department of States Parks discovery of a $54 million surplus in its coffers; this revelation comes out while the Parks Department in an apparent austerity move is closing 80 State Parks. Brown promises an investigation. Another investigation! Oh, that makes me feel so much better.
My first thought when I learned of the recently discovered 12-year-old surplus is what other of the near 600 Agencies, Commissions, and Boards in California also have what I can only term as undiscovered surplus slush funds. I am surmising we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. It is quite obvious government oversight in California is non-existent or so poorly functioning as to be ineffective in learning the whereabouts of public monies. It saddens to say this recent revelation of the State’s Parks Department does not surprise or shock me. This is how business is done in the Democrat-controlled Assembly, Senate, and Governor. When will California voters say enough is enough and not only throw these incompetents of out of office but charge and convict those responsible of felony malfeasance with public money? When will this happen? I can only pray the majority of the majority party will stop making excuses for the goof-balls who legislate in California and begin electing candidates with integrity, backbone, and self-respect to say enough is enough. In the meantime, please do not reward these children for their bad behavior and vote NO for any tax increase in the Golden State. More revenue will not solve the problem; it will just enable those in power to continue their wild and crazy spending habits at tax payer expense and further # California’s economic recovery.

Roger Gitlin -- Bio and Archives

Roger Gitlin is a California-credentialed teacher and sits on the steering committee for the Del Norte Tea Party Patriots in Crescent City, California. Roger also founded the Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen. Roger Gitlin is running for Del Norte County, Supervisor District I in Crescent City, California.