
Ontario Supreme Court’s decision to legalize brothels

Employment and Franchise Opportunities – Immediate Openings for Prostitutes and Pimps

I, for one, support the recent Ontario Supreme Court’s decision to legalize brothels. Perhaps all of Canada will soon embrace Ontario’s newest and undisputedly “hottest” government sanctioned industry? And it’s a good thing the decision in Ontario was left to a handful of unelected, unaccountable judges since consulting with the people through their elected legislature would have surely hampered “progress”.
Governing through elected representatives is really a nuisance these days in Canada; so many rules of order and far too many debates and procedures. Besides, why should the peasantry expect to have a say in matters that define their culture or that affect their daily lives? Rather, in Canada, parliaments and legislatures are quaint and charming notions, but in today’s modern, progressive societies, democracy is simply too old fashioned to keep pace. It’s infinitely more efficient and expeditious to legislate from the bench through the judiciary. As a result, now that Liberalism and moral relativism have emancipated us from our awful, conservative values and our traditions of high moral and community standards, members of our society are now free to openly pursue any activities of sexual desire as long as their credit rating is good. I also applaud the decision since for many years I’ve wanted to start a small business, and as the old adage goes, sex sells. My plan is to open a whole chain of brothels and I will locate them in the neighborhoods where the Supreme Court justices of Ontario reside. That will be my show of appreciation for their handiwork. Perhaps the Justices have children or grandchildren of their own; wouldn’t they also benefit from the Justices’ decision? We may also consider the organized crime, violence and drugs that accompany prostitution as mere value adding activities – activities which may very well be next on the Supreme Court’s docket for all we know. Who are we to stand in the way of free enterprise? Guess it won’t be long until government imposes a prostitution tax, adding it to the other noble and upstanding industries they currently skim from, like booze, gambling and tobacco. Mafia bosses everywhere are likely blushing with envy.
Furthermore, jurisdictions are always looking for new revenues and surely my # houses will be a boom to Ontario tourism, especially since every other country in the world - with the exception of one - prohibits selling sex for money. Not sure why the rest of the world is so prudish but we in Canada must find something to excel in. Surely Liberals throughout the country are celebrating since abortion clinics will no doubt see a boom in business. And our efficient health care system will see spin-off business from the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. And we’ll need to get busy printing career opportunity literature that we can distribute to kids, since our newly legalized sex trade industry will surely provide employment opportunities that our traditional industries haven’t been able to. Our universities and colleges can now offer degrees and courses on prostitution service excellence. I’m also starting to reserve job fair booths so I can attract the best and brightest to my brothels. Whispers of, “Alberta may have their oil sands but Ontario has its prostitution” are likely echoing from the lips of relieved members of Mr. McGuinty’s government as I write this article. But I’m not stopping there since it would seem that according to the latest Ontario Supreme Court decision, I can now pimp without any fear of criminal prosecution, as long as I don’t “exploit” the workers. We all know that most women have no objection to selling themselves, and how can engaging in lewdness with hundreds of men, selling one’s chastity in the name of free enterprise be seen as exploitation? Oh these fuddy-duddy conservatives, they just don’t understand progress and modernity, their opposition surely befuddles the enlightened Liberal mind. I guess I can now be proud to add pimp to my resume since I have the full backing of the Supreme Court of Ontario. People have to earn a living and now at least Ontario politicians don’t have to sneak around during their leisure time away from the drudgery of their legislative duties. Of course our justice system’s main concern is protecting the rights of people who engage in immoral and unsavory activities, right? This according to the arguments put forward by those advocating for legalizing bawdry houses. Their concern is that sex trade workers – the progressive label for hookers – are prohibited from working legally indoors, nor can they hire security to protect their enterprise. Guess the hookers of this land are poor victims like every other special interest group that is entitled to exemptions from moral and community standards under the Charter. No need for security since now our public police services will be on hand to protect their rights. Of course there is plenty of data from studies and opinion polls that show the majority of Ontarians approve of legalizing pimping, prostitution and living off the avails of selling sex, isn’t there? Prostitute unions and government funded support groups and employment agencies are sure to follow to make sure young, aspiring madams and dominatrix find gainful employment. We could also make our newly state-sanctioned industry qualify for unemployment insurance but rather than counting weeks worked for eligibility we could count tricks turned instead. The possibilities seem endless in Ontario’s utopian Liberal society! This latest decision by Ontario’s Supreme Court should come as no surprise – leaving aside the notion that Ontario has become Canada’s land of fruits and nuts courtesy of Liberal policies. A similar decision was handed down in 2005 by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Labeye case, which deemed swingers clubs to be legal. For those old-fashioned, tea toddling conservatives that don’t know what a swingers club is, it is a gathering place where people engage in open group sex and partner swapping , for money if the parties consent. It’s comforting to know that our highest court has sanctioned such behavior and granted it sacrosanct protection under law. Never mind that these clubs are often located in neighborhoods where children and families reside. Makes our society a better place, don’t you think? And if any of those pesky bible-thumpers, concerned parents or neighborhood residents dare to picket these sex dens they’ll be promptly arrested so sex-starved patrons have a safe place to ply their trade. In a liberal society, we must get our priorities straight. Most rational and sane Canadians must be scratching their heads and wondering how our society has been permitted to sink so low? How is it that our system gives the power to decide the most profound moral and social issues to a handful of unelected, unaccountable and tenured judges? Why is it that Parliament has abdicated its duties and cast aside the sacred trust that the public bestows upon them through elections, with the understanding that our elected officials are supposed to be the final arbiters of public decorum through the rule of law? If we disagree with them we can always vote the bastards out; not so with the judges. So how did this happen? We need not look any further than the bird-cage- liner-document the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which was foisted upon an unassuming Canadian public courtesy of another cabal of feckless Liberals led by the detestable Pierre Trudeau. The Charter, which is the supreme law in Canada, was cooked up by a small gang of Liberal progressives, all of which had an overt disdain for tradition, common law, hundreds of years of historical experience in nation building and the conservative values that founded Canada. It is interesting to note that the chief social engineers behind the Charter held a slim 44 seat majority in the House in the 1980 election – the term when the Charter was passed – and were trounced in the following election in what appears to be retribution by the public when the Liberals were thrown out of office in 1984 and reduced to just 40 seats out of 282. When the Charter was passed, no referendums on the matter were held, and close to a third of all Canadians are excluded from this so-called unifying document given that Quebec did not ratify the deal while aboriginals were excluded from the process. It appears that the hit-and-run Liberal government of 1980 set the stage for the normalization of immorality built on a dictatorial structure. Only now Canadians are starting to see the wacky outcomes that result from this deeply flawed document. Trudeau was quoted as saying that Canadians are like sleeping tourists on a cruise ship. As long as he turned the ship slowly the tourists wouldn’t wake up and realize the ship was heading in a new direction. The Liberals also knew that you could chip away at a society and slowly unmoor it from its conservative and democratic traditions as long as you facilitated unabashed access to sex. While Canada was founded and steeped in British common-law, tradition and conservative Christian values, over the years radical Liberals and Progressives were hell bent on fundamentally transforming our culture. As a result we now have abortion and pornography on demand, unilateral divorce, gay advocacy and promotion in public schools, the redefinition of marriage, the legalization of prostitution and a host of other state sanctioned, anti-family and immoral policies which run contrary to the will and sensibilities of the majority of Canadians. The Charter’s passing of final arbitration and interpretation of Canada’s supreme laws from parliament to judges was the first nail in the coffin and we are now starting to reap the seeds that were sown. Like the ancient Roman Empire which fell as a result of the corruption and excesses of its leaders, Canada seems to be following the same path. With every shocking decision our Supreme Courts make our civil society dies a little more, and our community standards suffer an inexorably decline towards the most base and vile levels. Trudeau stated that the purpose of the Charter was to define Canadian culture, and so here we are, a nation that sanctions, normalizes and legitimizes prostitution. Canadians will no doubt hate the politicians for defiling our national, collective identity, culture and global reputation. No wonder why most Canadians tune out of politics while their disrespect and disdain for their politicians and judges grows.

Tom Barak -- Bio and Archives

Tom is a Canadian-based freelance marketing consultant and writer and has been a long-time member of the Conservative movement. He received his MBA accreditation from the University of Manitoba and splits his time fundraising for community centres and mentoring and consulting with local and national businesses.