
‘Emperor’ Doug Ford’s “Special” Hockey Fans Don’t Include Millions Of “Non-Essentials"

‘Emperor’ Doug Ford’s 'Special' Hockey Fans Don’t Include Millions Of 'Non-Essentials'Like a Roman Emperor—and the only one in Ontario still allowed image-boosting haircuts—Premier Doug Ford continues to discriminate against small business owners in what is arguably the most draconian Covid-19 Lockdown anywhere. The premier, who keeps some 15 million Ontarians under stay-at-home orders, who is holding out until 80% of the population under his control is vaccinated against the virus, is now in desperate survival mode knowing what is likely his fate in next year’s provincial elections.(Ontario's Roadmap To Reopen)
“Ontario will be allowing a few hundred fully vaccinated frontline health-care workers into the Scotiabank Arena for Game 7 of the Leafs vs. Canadiens. (CHCH, May 31, 2021)
“According to a statement from Premier Doug Ford 550 workers, including hospital and long-term care staff, have been invited to attend the game.
“Some 550 health-care workers who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be invited to attend Game 7 between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadiens at Scotiabank Arena this Monday night. (CBC, May 31, 2021)
“In a news release, Premier Doug Ford said the decision was made in consultation with Ontario's chief medical officer of health, Toronto Public Health and hospital administrators.”
(Will extra ambulances be on site in case of a spike in positive testing”)?
"This is well below the arena's capacity," Ford said. (CBC) "With these health-care workers having received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine at least two weeks ago, and with precautionary measures in place like screening, masking, distancing, enhanced cleaning and crowd control, public health officials are confident we can put these special fans in the stands safely and with minimal risk.”


“The move marks a change in course for Ford and his government, who had said over the weekend that no fans would be able to go to Scotiabank Arena for tonight's game. Officials in Quebec allowed about 2,500 masked fans to attend Game 6 in Montreal on Saturday. “Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment is covering the costs, Ford said, and the health-care workers who choose to go will get a free jersey at the game.
(Adult free ice cream, like how children were bribed to roll up their sleeves for the virus vaxx at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square last week).
“A spokesperson for the University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto said that its hospitals would each hold random draws for eligible workers. Gillian Howard said UHN received 50 of the 550 tickets, and those who win the draws will receive their tickets via their cellphones. (CBC)
Oh, Whoopee-Do!

"Every single day our health care workers put their lives on the line to help others. This small token of appreciation doesn't measure up to the sacrifices they've made during COVID-19, but it is an opportunity for us to recognize their heroic efforts to keep each and every one of us safe," Ford said. "It also shows that the more of us who get vaccinated, the faster we can return to doing the things we miss."

Ford’s provincial employees are “special fans” who need to have their “heroic efforts recognized to keep every one of us safe”. Small businesses including millions of hairdressers, barbers, restaurant owners, in-person teaching for school kids, clerics who provide church services are “non-essential”. People who are holding off from the vaxx out of fear of side effects, and who remain suspicious of governments who bribe folk to take them, in Toronto even offering free ice cream for children at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square are anathema. (Yahoo, May 23, 2021) Ford’s long been in cahoots with scare-mongering Toronto Mayor John Tory:
“In a statement, Toronto Mayor John Tory thanked Ford for allowing vaccinated health-care workers to attend the game. (CBC) "Our frontline heroes have helped us get through this pandemic and now they'll be helping cheer on our Toronto Maple Leafs in Game 7 against the Montreal Canadiens," he said. "I want to thank Premier Ford and Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment for working quickly to find a way to recognize our frontline workers and safely bring fans back.”
According to these politicians, no one is safe in Ontario until everyone in Ontario has been vaccinated. Meanwhile, other Ontario mayors—all creatures of the provincial government—are kicking in with this business-boosting idea: rickshaws for seniors to get around dying towns: “The three-wheeled, person-powered contraption will soon be available for seniors to book, for free, to make trips around town. (CTV News, April 23, 2021)
“We have a booking system online that will allow for volunteers to book and match them with the riders. We hope to be up and running when the good weather arrives, when all this lockdown business is over with. We’re getting ready,” says Joseph Rapai, who is part of the team that brought the trishaw to Bayfield.
“Rapai helped purchase the $8,700 trishaw for Bayfield, and is hoping local service groups and businesses will help sponsor and staff the new mode of transport. “The trishaws or rickshaws for seniors are popular in Europe, and are part of the Cycling Without Age organization, founded in Denmark in 2012. "There are 3,700 similar bikes in use across the world in 51 countries.”
As for businesses helping to sponsor and staff the new mode of transport, What businesses will be left in an Ontario tottering on bankruptcy courtesy of Doug Ford’ and his coterie of bureaucrats? Meanwhile, hockey fans still stuck at home in Lockdown tonight, won’t be happy knowing that Ford’s “special” fans were allowed out to watch the Big Game.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.