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Vision TV Osama bin Laden CIA theories:

Created by Zwicker, promoted by Landsberg, and scripted by Satan

May 19, 2003

Do you believe that Osama bin Laden was a member of the CIA?

Canadian journalists Michele Landsberg of Toronto Star fame and Barrie Zwicker of Vision Television do. That is, at least they profess to the unwashed masses to believe that bin Laden was a CIA member. More correctly, these two mainstream media journalists believe that:

  1. Osama bin Laden was recruited by the CIA
  2. Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA
  3. When the United States needed a fall guy, they threw their long-term ally, Osama, to the wolves.

As members of the Canadian media’s elite club, Landsberg and Zwicker are no rinky-dinks. Married to former Ontario New Democrat Party Leader Stephen Lewis, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan’s special envoy HIV/AIDS Africa, Landsberg can be found in the country’s richest and most powerful newspaper, the Toronto Star, where you can always skip her columns.

The same option is not available with Zwicker.

Average Canadians are paying for his Osama bin Laden theories on Vision TV through their tax dollars--to the tune of $8 million annually.

Vision is "Canada’s faith network." Broadcasting more than a dozen American television preachers including John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and Charles Stanley, Vision rakes in megabucks from the fire-and-brimstone airtime of these men of the cloth.

Not even the most imaginative would ever expect that Canada’s "faith network" would take this money and then fund numerous productions of anti-American programming, purporting that the United States’ government participated in the bombing of September 11 for the purpose of "global domination by the American Empire."

Surely these claims, wild as they are, flout all inciting of hatred laws of the land.

Osama bin Laden as a CIA recruit, betrayed and set up as a scapegoat in the American quest for "future oil pipeline(s), the grab for Middle East oil, and big budget increases for the military?

Sounds like a Hollywood movie starring Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore, to us.

But all of this bunk is part of Vision TV’s six part series The Great Deception--What Really Happened on September 11. It’s intended as a serious documentary, rather than the stuff of spoof, and in it, Zwicker, Vision’s long-time media analyst, states:

"…Elements within the top U.S. military, intelligence and political leadership--which are closely intertwined--are complicit in what happened on September the 11th. Why U.S. complicity, you ask? Well, to stampede public opinion into supporting the so-called war on terrorism, to justify a war on Afghanistan for a future oil pipeline, the grab for Middle East oil, big budget increases for the military, and the general drive for global domination by the American Empire."

If this propaganda with a pen was created by Zwicker, and promoted by Landsberg, it was scripted by Satan.

As far as it is known, Zwicker was not on wacky tobaccy, neither was Michele baby.

Vision leads the viewer to believe "that bin Laden is merely a piece in a chess game. The stakes of the game are the last of the world’s oil reserves and "…the Bush administration’s (consolidation of power) to pursue a drastic unlimited militarization."

The three thousand souls lost in the Trade Centre, the Pentagon, and Flight 93, who must be rolling in their graves, do not get a mention. Neither do their legions of heartbroken relatives.

After referring to George W. Bush as an oligarch, and claiming that he knew of the 9/11 attacks before they happened, Vision concludes that the Big Lie is the so-called war on terrorism (and) George W. Bush--with the aid of the media--zealously promotes perpetual global war in the service of resource looting and permanent popularity for himself."

These themes continue throughout other Vision TV productions, including the 9/11 Roundtable, moderated by Vice-President, Executive producer Rita Deverell. Other programs, such as Vision TV Insight, Mediafile, and 360 Vision, pump out the same message.

The number one rated broadcast of John Hagee has already cancelled its daily program.

When American preachers, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, Creflo Dollar, Jack Van Impe, James Robinson, Robert Schuller, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, R.W.

Schambach, and Charles Stanley follow suit, as surely they will, Vision TV will be plunged into the red.

Meanwhile, Canadians who want proof of what their $8 million taxpayer support of the television network is paying for should log on to

Only the anti-American Canadian Liberal government would force average Canadians to fund this network.